Upgrade from 4.23 to 4.24

Windows migration

For Windows deployment migration, simply run the standard SmartFace Platform installer. The wizard run re-creates all required services, updates binaries and executables and executes the database updates as well.

Linux migration

For Linux deployment you need to update docker containers and execute database migration.

Update container version.

When using pre-configured SmartFace deployment from our github, open .env file and the SF_VERSION, so the versions match:


When directly referencing image, update every path to match version above:

version: "3.4"
        image: registry.gitlab.com/innovatrics/smartface/sf-base:v5_4.24.0
        container_name: SFBase
        command: --serviceName SFBase
        - 2406:2406
        restart: unless-stopped
        - RabbitMQ__Hostname
        - RabbitMQ__Username
Add NoSqlDataStorageDisabled environment variables

Please add environmental variable NoSqlDataStorageDisabled in the docker-compose.yml file to camera services (and to the Edge Stream Processor service if you do not have it yet). This is for turning on/off saving of crop images by using the existing the configuration option NoSqlDataStorageDisabled.

Add new line for each camera service and the edge-stream-processor service:

- NoSqlDataStorageDisabled

This configuration option can be set in the .env file:

# Using NoSql database

A sample camera in the docker-compose.yml would look like this:

    image: ${REGISTRY}sf-cam:${SF_VERSION}
    container_name: SFCam1
    command: --serviceName SFCam1
      - 30001:${CameraDefaults__PreviewPort}
    restart: unless-stopped
      - RabbitMQ__Hostname
      - RabbitMQ__Username
      - RabbitMQ__Password
      - RabbitMQ__Port
      - RabbitMQ__VirtualHost
      - RabbitMQ__UseSsl
      - ConnectionStrings__CoreDbContext
      - Database__DbEngine
      - AppSettings__Log_RollingFile_Enabled=false
      - AppSettings__USE_JAEGER_APP_SETTINGS
      - S3Bucket__Endpoint
      - S3Bucket__BucketName
      - S3Bucket__AccessKey
      - S3Bucket__SecretKey
      - NoSqlDataStorageDisabled
    # - GstPipelineTemplate
    # - Gpu__GpuNeuralRuntime=Tensor
      - "./iengine.lic:/etc/innovatrics/iengine.lic"
    # - "/var/tmp/innovatrics/tensor-rt:/var/tmp/innovatrics/tensor-rt"
    #runtime: nvidia

A sample edge-stream-processor service the docker-compose.yml would look like this:

    image: ${REGISTRY}sf-edge-stream-processor:${SF_VERSION}
    container_name: SFEdgeStreamProcessor
    restart: unless-stopped
      - RabbitMQ__Hostname
      - RabbitMQ__Username
      - RabbitMQ__Password
      - RabbitMQ__Port
      - RabbitMQ__VirtualHost
      - RabbitMQ__UseSsl
      - ConnectionStrings__CoreDbContext
      - Database__DbEngine
      - AppSettings__Log_RollingFile_Enabled=false
      - AppSettings__Log_RabbitMq_Enabled      
      - OperationMode__MatchingDataStrategy
      - OperationMode__LivenessDataStrategy
      - NoSqlDataStorageDisabled
      - "./iengine.lic:/etc/innovatrics/iengine.lic"
Updating of the RabbitMQ Dependency

As a part of the upgrade to version 5.4.24, please update the RabbitMQ to the latest stable version. For this version of the SmartFace Platform it is rabbitmq:3.12.11-management.

Please ensure the your Docker and Docker Compose supports the RabbitMQ version you are using. In this case, the RabbitMQ might need to have partial updates as jumping from rabbitmq:3.10.2-management to rabbitmq:3.12.11-management directly, you might encounter issues. RabbitMQ uses feature flags and for successful update to version 3.12.x all features must be enabled via management UI.

Before updating the RabbitMQ ensure all the current events are processed.

Steps needed:

  1. Update RabbitMQ version in the docker-compose.yml file in the sf_dependencies directory to rabbitmq:3.11.2-management, recreate the container running docker-compose up -d in the sf_dependencies folder. Open the server’s ip/hostname on port 15672, log in using your credentials or by the default guest, guest. Click on Admin and in the right menu choose Feature Flags. Ensure all the flags are enabled.

    A sample configuration of the RabbitMQ would look like below:

        image: "rabbitmq:3.11.2-management"
        container_name: rmq
          - "15672:15672"
          - "5672:5672"
          - "1883:1883"
          - "5552:5552/tcp"
          RABBITMQ_NODENAME: rabbit@rmq
          RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE: /etc/rabbitmq/external/rabbitmq.conf
          RABBITMQ_ENABLED_PLUGINS_FILE: /etc/rabbitmq/external/enabled_plugins
          RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS: -rabbitmq_stream advertised_host rmq
          - ./etc_rmq/:/etc/rabbitmq/external
          - rmqdata:/var/lib/rabbitmq
        restart: unless-stopped
  2. Update RabbitMQ version in the docker-compose.yml file in the sf_dependencies directory to rabbitmq:3.12.11-management, recreate the container running docker-compose up -d in the sf_dependencies folder. Open the server’s ip/hostname on port 15672, log in using your credentials or by the default guest, guest. Click on Admin and in the right menu choose Feature Flags. Ensure all the flags are enabled.

    A sample configuration of the RabbitMQ would look like below:

        image: "rabbitmq:3.12.11-management"
        container_name: rmq
          - "15672:15672"
          - "5672:5672"
          - "1883:1883"
          - "5552:5552/tcp"
          RABBITMQ_NODENAME: rabbit@rmq
          RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE: /etc/rabbitmq/external/rabbitmq.conf
          RABBITMQ_ENABLED_PLUGINS_FILE: /etc/rabbitmq/external/enabled_plugins
          RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS: -rabbitmq_stream advertised_host rmq
          - ./etc_rmq/:/etc/rabbitmq/external
          - rmqdata:/var/lib/rabbitmq
        restart: unless-stopped

For more technical information about upgrading the RabbitMQ, please read the official RabbitMQ documentation.

Run upgrade scripts

Simply execute run.sh script shipped in our default deployment. In case you have custom deployment where you cannot use our pre-build script, call database upgrade manually. Please replace variables --rmq-* with your current configuration.

For MSSQL execute

docker run --rm --name admin_migration --volume $(pwd)/iengine.lic:/etc/innovatrics/iengine.lic --network sf-network ${SF_ADMIN_IMAGE} \
        run-migration \
            -p 5 -c "$(getvalue ConnectionStrings__CoreDbContext)" -dbe $DB_ENGINE \
            --rmq-host "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Hostname)" --rmq-user "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Username)" --rmq-pass "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Password)" \
            --rmq-virtual-host "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__VirtualHost)" --rmq-port "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Port)" --rmq-use-ssl "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__UseSsl)"

For PostgreSQL execute

docker run --rm --name admin_migration --volume $(pwd)/iengine.lic:/etc/innovatrics/iengine.lic --network sf-network ${SF_ADMIN_IMAGE} \
        run-migration \
            -p 5 -c "$(getvalue ConnectionStrings__CoreDbContext)" -dbe $DB_ENGINE \
            --rmq-host "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Hostname)" --rmq-user "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Username)" --rmq-pass "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Password)" \
            --rmq-virtual-host "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__VirtualHost)" --rmq-port "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Port)" --rmq-use-ssl "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__UseSsl)"