Security Dashboard

The main screen of the SmartFace Station for most security applications is the Security Dashboard. It serves as the gateway to your surveillance and monitoring needs, offering a comprehensive view of your security environment and the latest events impacting it.

Security dashboard

The Security Dashboard is designed to provide users with an intuitive and efficient way to oversee their security infrastructure. Its primary functions are:

  • Real-time Monitoring
    Gain immediate insight into your security cameras' live feeds, allowing you to keep a watchful eye on your premises or critical areas.

  • Event Tracking
    Stay informed about the latest security events, enabling you to respond promptly to any incidents, anomalies, or alarms.

  • Customization
    Tailor the dashboard to your specific needs by selecting two cameras to display, ensuring you have a direct line of sight to the areas that matter most.

Security Dashboard Sections

The security dashboard contains two main sections:

  1. Camera preview
  2. Recent events

Camera preview

The configurable camera preview can display up to two camera streams defined on the SmartFace Platform with bounding boxes drawn around detected faces, pedestrians or other common objects.
You can change the selected cameras in the camera preview settings.

Camera preview with two selected cameras

Camera preview with a single selected camera and empty camera placeholder (right side)

Bounding boxes

When the SmartFace Platform detects a face, a pedestrian or an other common object, the system can display a bounding box with additional information about the detected object.

  • You can set information displayed with the bounding box in camera configuration.
  • To change the default bounding box color for detected faces, pedestrians and common objects, use REST API endpoint:   PUT   /api/v1/Setup/Preview.
    More information about this setting you can find in chapter the Enhanced preview.

Detected face with all attributes

Camera preview settings

Within the preview camera settings, you have the flexibility to select the specific camera streams to be displayed in the corresponding camera preview window. Please note that on the Security Dashboard, you have access to only two camera preview windows at a time, designated as follows:

  • LEFT Camera Preview
  • RIGHT Camera Preview

To enter the camera preview settings, hit the SETTINGS button near to the camera preview title or click on the link settings directly in the empty camera placeholder.

Security dashboard with no camera preview selected

You can see a list of available cameras, which can be attached to each camera preview window. If no cameras are listed, go to the camera configuration section and create or enable some cameras.

Camera preview settings with no camera selected

To attach a preview of a specific camera to the left preview window, press the LEFT button in the row of the selected camera.

To attach a preview of a specific camera to the right preview window, press the RIGHT button in the row of the selected camera.

You can attach preview from two cameras.

To detach the camera preview from the camera preview window, you can click the X button in the selected camera section or press the selected LEFT or RIGHT in the camera preview settings:

To swap content of the camera preview windows, click on button in the camera preview settings:

If you have created a camera, you have enabled it and connected it to one of the preview windows, and you still do not see the preview of the camera stream on security dashboard:

  • check the camera itself
  • check RTSP stream definition (in camera and in camera configuration)
  • check MPEG1 encoder settings in the camera configuration (you must use REST API endpoint:   PUT   /api/v1/Cameras to modify these values)
    "mpeG1PreviewEnabled": true, 
    /* must be TRUE to start the encoding */
    "mpeG1PreviewPort": 30006,
    "mpeG1VideoBitrate": 85000,
    "previewMaxDimension": 640,

Recent Events

In the SmartFace Station, the recent detections and identifications of individuals are showcased within the Recent Events section. Each event notification corresponds to a single detected face, identified person, detected pedestrian or detected common object. If identification is successful, the event is presented alongside the stored image of the recognized watchlist member in the watchlist.

You can display the recent events for all cameras or only for selected ones. You can change this in the recent events settings.

Depending on your recent event list configuration, the following four types of events may appear:

Face detection

  • SmartFace detected face, but didn’t identify detected person.
  • SmartFace couldn’t match any detected face of this tracklet against any watchlist member.
  • SmartFace shows the best quality image from the tracklet.

Full layout

Compressed layout

    Displayed information

  • the time, when the face was detected
  • the camera name
  • the cropped image of the detected face

Face identification

  • SmartFace identified the detected person.
  • SmartFace matched at least one face of this tracklet against a watchlist member, with a score higher than watchlist threshold.
  • SmartFace shows the best quality image from the tracklet.

Full layout

Compressed layout

    Displayed information

  • the time (when the face was detected)
  • the camera name
  • the cropped image of the detected face
  • the matching score
  • the image of an identified person from the watchlist
  • the name of an identified person from the watchlist
  • the name of the watchlist

If the Liveness is enabled for a camera, its notification will also provide information about the Spoof check provided.

Not performed


    Displayed information

  • Orange icon represents not performed spoof check
  • Red icon represents a spoof
  • In the case of passed spoof check, no icon is shown

Pedestrian detection

  • SmartFace detected the pedestrian.
  • SmartFace shows the best quality image of detected pedestrians from the tracklet

Full layout

Compressed layout

    Displayed information

  • the time, when the pedestrian was detected
  • the camera name
  • the cropped image of the detected pedestrian

Object detection

  • SmartFace detected the object.
  • SmartFace shows the best quality image of the detected object from the tracklet.

Full layout

Compressed layout

    Displayed information

  • the time, when the object was detected
  • the camera name
  • the cropped image of the detected object
  • the object type

Recent Events settings

Within the Recent Events settings, you can choose the cameras for which notifications will be visible in the recent event section. Additionally, you have the ability to enable specific event types and customize both the layout of the dashboard and the appearance of event notifications.

To enter the recent events settings, hit the SETTINGS button near to the recent events title:

Security dashboard with recent events notifications

Within the sliding sheet of the Recent Events settings, you’ll find:

  • VIEW section - to select event layout visual
  • PLACEMENT section - to select the layout of the security dashboard
  • FOR RECOGNIZED EVENTS section - to enable/disable event types, which will be included in the list of recent events
  • FOR CAMERAS section - to enable/disable events from specific cameras, which will be included in the list of recent events
  • FOR EDGE STREAMS section - to enable/disable events from specific edge streams, which will be included in the list of recent events

To enter the recent events settings, hit the SETTINGS button near to the title of the recent events:

Recent events settings

VIEW section

You can choose from two types of event layout:

  • Full layout
  • Compressed layout
    For visualization of event layouts for different event types, go to Recent events section of this manual.

VIEW section of recent events settings (Full layout selected)


You can switch between 2 types of placement of the recent event list on the security dashboard page:

  • TOP

PLACEMENT section of recent events settings (TOP selected)

PLACEMENT section of recent events settings (BOTTOM selected)


By clicking on the EYE button next to the event type, you can enable or disable events that will be included in the list of recent events.


By clicking on the EYE button next to the camera name, you can enable/disable events from specific cameras that will be included in the list of recent events.


By clicking on the EYE button next to the edge stream name, you can enable/disable events from a specific edge stream that will be included in the list of recent events.

Security Event Notifications

You can find four types of security event notifications in the system:

You can access any of the notification details by clicking on the recent events notifications list item on the Security Dashboard screen.

A sliding panel with notification details will appear on the right side of the screen.

No Match notification detail

In the detail of the no-match security event notification, you can find all available information about the detected person. Depending on the SmartFace Platform configuration, you can find here images and data from the first or the best appearance of the tracked person, possibly all appearances of the tracked person.

No - match notification detail

The detail of the no-match notification is divided into three main parts:

Related images
At the top of the no match notification detail, you can find:

  • cropped face image from the original input frame.
  • the original input frame is displayed on the right side of the panel.
  • tracked images - faces of tracklet are displayed below the original input frame. The tracklet shows the movement of a person within the video stream based on the detected face.

No - match notification detail - related images.

At the bottom of the no match notification detail, you can find all available metadata:

Date and time08.02.2024, 07:02:23The date and time when the event notification appeared
Camera nameSFteam_hallThe name of the camera from which the event notification came
Age30Estimated age
GenderMaleEstimated gender (Male/Female)
Detection quality2 146Face detection quality (0 - 10 000)
Template quality188The quality of generated template ()
Yaw angle-23The angle of moving the head left and right.
Roll angle5Head tilt angle.
Pitch angle-6The angle of moving the head up and down
Face size38pxFace size in pixels
Face mask status>No maskEstimation of the presence of a mask (Yes/No)
Face mask confidence-3 222The confidence for masked face detection.
Nose tip confidence7 998The confidence for nose detection.
Face area3.38%Face area on the frame in percentage.
Face area change1.12Face area change calculated as a
Face order1Face order calculated from face size
Faces on frame1The number of detected faces on frame

Register new watchlist member from “No-match” notification detail

  1. Open the Security dashboard, History page or Identification dashboard.
  2. Click on the “No match” notification. Notification detail is displayed on the right side of your screen.
  3. Click on the REGISTER AS NEW MEMBER. A panel with registration form will be displayed on the right side of your screen.
  4. Select a WATCHLIST from the list and enter the FULL NAME. You may also add a NOTE by specifying the NOTE field.
  5. Click REGISTER to confirm. New watchlist member is added to a selected watchlist.

Register as new member

Add image to watchlist member from “No-match” notification detail

  1. Open the Security dashboard, History page or Identification dashboard.
  2. Click on the “No match” notification. Notification detail is displayed on the right side of your screen.
  4. Select a member from the list or search a member by name or watchlist. Use watchlist filter if needed.
  5. Click on ADD TO MEMBER to confirm. The image was added to watchlist member’s gallery

Add face to existing member - selection from a list of members

Add face to existing member - selection of member by manual search

Face was added to watchlist member's gallery

Match notification detail

In the detail of the match security event notification, you can find all available information about the detected and identified person.

Depending on the SmartFace Platform configuration, you can find here images and data from the first or the best appearance of the tracked person, face attributes, spoof check attributes and last appearances.

Match notification detail

The detail of match notification is divided into three main parts:

  • Related images with highlighted faces and pedestrians
  • Tracked images
  • Action buttons:
  • An information section with available metadata.
  • Section with information regarding the Spoof Attributes, related Spoof Check / Liveness check. Needs to be enabled on the camera.
  • Last appearances of the matched person as clickable links and Show in history button.

Related images
At the top of the match notification detail, you can find:

  • cropped face image from the original input frame,
  • watchlist member image and the matching score (in this case 76)
  • the original input frame is displayed on the right side of the panel.
  • tracked images - faces of tracklet are displayed below the original input frame. The tracklet shows the movement of a person within the video stream based on the identified face.

Match notification detail - related images.

At the bottom of the match notification detail, you can find all available metadata:

Date and time08/02/2024. 08:34:07The date and time when the event notification appeared
Camera nameSFteam_hallThe name of the camera from which the event notification came
Watchlist nameInnovatricsThe name of the watchlist to which the identified person belongs
Age39Estimated age
GenderMaleEstimated gender (Male/Female)
Detection quality2 164Face detection quality (0 - 10 000)
Template quality194The quality of generated template ()
Yaw angle9The angle of moving the head left and right.
Roll angle5Head tilt angle.
Pitch angle-12The angle of moving the head up and down
Face size40pxFace size in pixels
Face mask statusNo maskEstimation of the presence of a mask (Yes/No)
Face mask confidence-1 917The confidence for masked face detection.
Nose tip confidence9 243The confidence for nose detection.
Face area3.66%Face area on the frame in percentage.
Face area change1.24Face area change calculated as a difference between the face areas on the previous tracked image and the current trackled image.
Face order1Face order calculated from face size.
Faces on frame1The number of detected faces on frame.

Spoof Attributes

If the liveness is enabled on the camera, in the Spoof attributes section you are presented with the information about how to Spoof/Liveness check proceeded and what the results are. For more information about the Liveness check, please read the SmartFace Platform manual.

Match notification detail

Distant checkPassed or Not passed or Disabled or Not performedInformation whether the Distant Spoof check was done. If it was not performed it also states the reason why it was not performed. This is related to the Liveness Condition Check.
Distant scorespoof check scoreThe final score of the distant spoof check
Nearby checkPassed or Not passed or DisabledInformation whether the Nearby Spoof check was done or what the score was
Nearby scorespoof check scoreThe final score of the nearby spoof check

If the Spoof Check is enabled, the orange and red icons are present on the tracklet images. For more information about their meaning, please read the Face Identification section.

Match notification detail

Add image to watchlist member from “Match” notification detail

  1. Open the Security dashboard , History page or Identification dashboard.
  2. Click on the “Match” notification. Notification detail is displayed on the right side of your screen.
  3. Click on the ADD FACE TO THIS MEMBER to confirm. The image was added to the member from match result.

Match notification detail

Photo was added to watchlist member's gallery

Open watchlist member profile from “match” notification detail

  1. Open the Security dashboard , History page or Identification dashboard.
  2. Click on the “Match” notification. Notification detail is displayed on the right side of your screen.
  3. Click on the MEMBER PROFILE to open watchlist member profile.

Match notification detail

Watchlist member profile

Pedestrian notification detail

In the detail of the pedestrian security event notification, you can find all available information about the detected pedestrian. Depending on the SmartFace Platform configuration, you can find here images and data from the first or the best appearance of the tracked pedestrian.

Pedestrian notification detail

The detail of the pedestrian notification is divided into three main parts:

  • Related images with highlighted pedestrian and face
  • Tracked images
  • An information section with available metadata

Related images
At the top of the pedestrian notification detail, you can find:

  • cropped pedestrian image from the original input frame.
  • the original input frame is displayed on the right side of the panel.
  • tracked images - pedestrians of tracklet are displayed below the original input frame. The tracklet shows the movement of a person within the video stream based on the detected pedestrian.

Pedestrian notification detail - related images.

At the bottom of the pedestrian notification detail, you can find all available metadata:

Date and time08/02/2024, 08:34:07The date and time when the event notification appeared
CameraSFteam_hallThe name of the camera from which the event notification came
Age groupAdultIt represents the categorization of the pedestrians based on their age range.
Possible values: Child, Adult, Senior
GenderMaleEstimated gender.
Estimated gender. Possible values: Male, Female.
Detection quality10 000Pedestrian detection quality (-10000 ↔ +10000)
Pedestrians on frame1The number of detected pedestrians on frame
Pedestrian size636 pxPedestrian size in pixels.
Body orientationFrontBody orientation of the pedestrian.
Possible values: Front, Back, Side.
Pedestrian area23.6%Pedestrian area on the frame in percentage.
Pedestrian order1Pedestrian order calculated from pedestrian size
Upper bodyLong sleeve, Long coat, LogoIt showcases attributes that are relevant to the upper body.
Possible values: Short sleeve, Long sleeve, UpperStripe, UpperLogo, UpperSplice, Long coat.
Lower bodyTrousersIt showcases attributes that are relevant to the lower body.
Possible values: LowerStripe, LowerPattern, Trousers, Shorts, SkirtOrDress
Accessoriesno dataIt showcases attributes that are relevant to the accessories.
Possible values: Hat, Glasses, Boots, Handbag, Shoulder bag, Backpack. Hold objects.

Object notification detail

In the detail of the object event notification, you can find all available information about the detected object. . Depending on the SmartFace Platform configuration, you can find here images and data from the first or the best appearance of the tracked object.

Object detection notification

The detail of the object notification is divided into three main parts:

  • Related images
  • Tracked images
  • An information section with available metadata

Related images
At the top of the object notification detail, you can find:

  • cropped object image from the original input frame.
  • the original input frame is displayed on the right side of the panel.
  • tracked images - objects of tracklet are displayed below the original input frame. The tracklet shows the movement of a object within the video stream based on the detected object.

Object notification detail - related images.

At the bottom of the object notification detail, you can find all available metadata:

Date and time18/08/2023, 07:01:23The date and time when the event notification appeared
CameraRoad camThe name of the camera from which the event notification came
Detection quality9 392Object detection quality (-10000 ↔ +10000)
Object type order
Car order
1Object order calculated from object size
Objects on frame
Cars on frame
5The number of detected objects on frame
Crop size331 pxCrop size of object in pixels.
Area on frame4.18%object area on the frame in percentage.