Investigation Dashboard
The Investigation dashboard allows you to process video files and analyze the results as a list of detected a faces and identified persons.
The system leverages the power of Rapid Video Processing, which enables you to process a list of video files faster than real-time. You have the flexibility to fully configure all processing parameters before initiating the process.
Investigation Dashboard
Investigation Dashboard Sections
The main screen of the Investigation dashboard, for any investigation use-case, displays the video list. The Investigation dashboard enables you to manage video files, process them, and review the results for each video file.
The Investigation dashboard consists of:
The Investigation Dashboard - sections
Title bar
Displays the page title and actual number of uploaded video records. Use the + ADD VIDEO button on the right to open the upload page.
Selected filters area
If you select any filter from the list of available filters, it will appear in the selected filters area. To remove one filter, click on X button. To remove all selected filters, click on CLEAR ALL button.
Video list
Displays all uploaded video records with basic information and actual processing status. Click on any of them to open the detail of the video record.
Full-text search
To perform a full-text search by name for video records , type text in the search box and press Enter
All available filters
The SmartFace Station allows you to use four filters to fine-tune your video search.
TagsUse tags to categorize and organize your video files. Tags are keywords or labels that you can assign to videos to make them easier to find later. You can add one or more tags to your video files, allowing you to filter and search for specific videos based on these tags.
StatusThe status filter allows you to filter videos based on their current state. It can help you quickly identify which videos are Ready to process, Processing, Processed or in Processing error state.
Recorded atThis filter enables you to narrow down your video search by specifying the date and time when the video was recorded.
Uploaded atThe uploaded at filter allows you to filter videos based on the date and time they were uploaded to the SmartFace
Video investigation process
To do the investigation on available video files, please follow these steps:
Click on the links below to see details of each step:
See the diagram for the video record lifecycle and possible video record statuses:
Status | Description | Possible action |
READY TO PROCESS | Video record has been uploaded. | Video record can be processed. |
PROCESSING | Processing has started, but not finished. | No action can be taken. |
PROCESSED | Video record has been processed successfully. | Video record can be reprocessed. Results of processing can be analyzed. |
PROCESSING ERROR | Error occurred during video record processing. | Video record can be reprocessed. |
Video files upload
A user can upload one or more video files from his computer using the video upload screen. To open video upload screen, click on + ADD VIDEO button on Investigation video list page.
Investigation video list screen - ADD VIDEO button
To add new video records, follow these steps:
- Drag and drop video files to the designed area, or select the files from the file system by clicking the choose videos link
Video upload page - initial state
- Add tags to all video records what will be created (optional).
Video upload page - added videos for upload and tags
- Click UPLOAD
It is possible to upload multiple video files at the same time
You can see progress of uploading
Successfully uploaded video files are marked with a green check mark
During the upload process, it is not possible to add or delete tags
You can cancel uploading anytime
A red exclamation mark will appear in case of an upload error. You can retry uploading, or you can delete video files in error status
Video upload page - uploading process
Video upload page - uploading process was successful
Video record processing
To detect and identify faces in uploaded video files, video records must be processed. You can start processing on any video record in READY TO PROCESS
state by clicking PROCESS button on the video record detail tab.
Video record detail tab - READY TO PROCESS status
A new tab with processing configuration will appear where you can change processing attributes. To start the processing, click on START PROCESSING button.
Processing configuration tab
After successful processing, video record is in PROCESSED state
and all the data can be presented on history page. You can show processing results by clicking on SHOW IN HISTORY button, on video detail tab.
Processing attributes configuration
By changing processing attributes you can influence what faces will be detected, how many identifications will be done, how log will system process the video and many more. See attributes detailed information in the table below:
Attribute name | Attribute Description | Default value | Value interval |
VIDEO START | Start time when the video was recorded. | If the time of video start is not provided, SmartFace displays the time when the video record was uploaded. | |
COARSE GRAIN INTERVAL | The period in which SmartFace makes a detection on a frame from the video. | 500 ms | 500 - 2000 ms |
FINE GRAIN INTERVAL | The period in which SmartFace perform more frequent detections around the time of the detected face. | 500 ms | 100 - 500 ms |
MIN FACE SIZE | Minimum size of the face what system can detect. | 35 px | |
MAX FACE SIZE | Maximum size of the face what system will detect. | 600 px | |
MAX TRACKING FACES | The maximum number of faces detected on one frame. | 20 | |
FACE SAVE STRATEGY | The strategy for saving data from all face detections, you can choose from:
⚠️Set this wisely. Strategy to save all detected objects can generate huge amount of data. | FirstFace, BestFace | |
FACE CONFIDENCE THRESHOLD | The confidence threshold for the face detection | 450 | 0 - 10 000 |
MATCH RESULTS COUNT | How many matches can be provided for one face | 1 | |
FULL FRAME SAVING | Enables the storage of fullframes. | On/Off | On |
Reprocessing video record
You can process the video record again when you see that the results are not good enough, clicking on the REPROCESS button on the video record detail tab.
Video record analysis
SmartFace Station can display face detection and identification results for each processed video record. To show results in standard view of history page:
- Click on INVESTIGATION icon in the left menu
- Click on the video record to display video record detail
- Click on SHOW HISTORY button
History event page for video investigation purposes
The main screen of history events consists of:
- page title part with the number of results displayed and the refresh button
- selected filters area - in this part, the video you are analyzing is preselected
- filtered results list
- full-text search and all available filters
The SmartFace Station allows you to use filters to fine-tune your event history search. For more information, click here.
People identification in the video
You can add people for identification to the watchlist and start the processing - use this approach when you need to identify more people on many video files. Use face search function on history page - use this approach when you need to find one person on one or many video files.
Video record detail
A user can open video record detail by clicking on any video record on Investigation video list screen.
Investigation dashboard - video detail
Video record detail, depending on the actual state, can contain different set of information. A complete list of information and its description can be found below:
Information | Descrption |
Name | Name of the video record. |
Description | Description of the video record. |
Status |
see video record status description here |
Tags | Tag management component. You can create a new tag or assign an existing tag to the video record. |
Time attributes |
Statistics | The SmarrtFace Station displays basic video statistics to the user after successful video processing.
Button section |
Processing attributes | Processing attributes which were use during the video record processing. |
Variations of video record detail
The information in the video record detail varies according to video record status:
Investigation module configuration
SmatFace Station v5_1.12 introduced a new investigation module, where user can upload video files for investigation. This functionality requires configuration changes for proper connection between the Min.IO and the SmartFace Station.
It is necessary to set these parameters in the configuration file in SmartFace Station:
S3_ENDPOINT - machine host name or IP where MIN.IO/S3 is installed (default - pseudo IP address of the local computer)
S3_ACCESS_KEY - login
S3_SECRET_KEY - password
S3_BUCKET - a container for objects stored in S3.
Default values after SmartFace Station installation are:
This will not work, when you run SmartFace Station on a client computer. The SmartFace Station will search for MIN.IO database on the client machine, not on the server.
Example with host name:
If the client computer is in the network, where sfit-sface-3w
server is reachable, the user will be able to upload video files.
SmartFace Station configuration file location
Windows deployment:
The default location for .env
file is: C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartFace Station\
For LINUX deployment:
The default location for .env.sfstation
files is: smartface/sf-docker/