Access Control Dashboard

The primary interface for monitoring access is the Access Control Dashboard, which serves as the hub for notifications. The SmartFace Station is responsible for alerting you regarding instances where an individual has been permitted access, as well as cases where access has been denied or blocked. Comprehensive information concerning recent passages and their associated notifications is readily accessible within the Dashboard.

The Access Control Dashboard

⚠️ In the current version of SmartFace Station, the displayed notifications aren't persisted in any way, so it is not possible to access the history of passages or notifications for unauthorized attempts. Once the application is reloaded or reopened, already received notifications aren't displayed and you won't be able to access them.

Access Control Dashboard Sections

The Access Control Dashboard consists of 2 main sections:

The Access Control Dashboard - sections

Access Control Notifications

The SmartFace Station displays recent notifications related to unsuccessful attempts of passages. A notification appears when a detected person isn’t authorized to pass the access point or is considered as a threat.

The Access Controll Dashboard supports these types of notifications:

Unidentified notification

SmartFace didn’t identify the detected person. The person isn’t authorized to pass the access point and his or her access is denied. SmartFace couldn’t match this person against any watchlist member, as the detected person isn’t stored as one of the watchlist members.

Displayed information

  • the full frame on which the person was detected,
  • the camera name,
  • the cropped image of the detected person

No mask notification

The notification warns the security officer that detected person isn’t wearing a face mask. The person’s access is denied. SmartFace matched the person against a watchlist and detected that the person is not wearing a face mask.

Displayed information

  • the full frame on which the person was detected
  • the camera name
  • the cropped image of the detected person
  • the cropped image from the watchlist
  • the matching score
  • the name of the watchlist member
  • the name of the watchlist

Restricted notification

The notification warns the security officer about a restricted person. The matched the person isn’t allowed to pass the access point and his or her access is blocked. SmartFace identified this person as a member of restricted watchlist. For more information about setting a watchlist as restricted go to chapter Mark watchlist as restricted.

Displayed information

  • the full frame on which the person was detected,
    the camera name
  • the cropped image of the detected person
  • the cropped image from the watchlist
  • the matching score of the detected person and
    the stored blacklist member
  • the name of the blacklist member
  • the name of the blacklist

Spoof notification

The notification warns the security officer about a presentation attack. The identified person from the spoof isn’t allowed to pass the access point and the access is blocked. SmartFace identified the detected person as a member of not restricted watchlist and evaluate that the person is trying to spoof the detection with presentation attack.

Displayed information

  • the full frame on which the person was detected
  • the camera name
  • the cropped image of the detected person
  • the cropped image from the watchlist
  • the matching score of the detected person and
    the stored blacklist member
  • the name of the watchlist member
  • the name of the watchlist
  • the information that the identification is a spoof

After the security staff solved the issue displayed in the notification, they can resolve it by selecting MARK AS RESOLVED. Another option is to resolve all notifications at once, by selecting CLEAR ALL.


In case there is no unauthorized person detected or all the notifications are solved, SmartFace Station displays green message NO ISSUE DETECTED.

No issue detected

Recent passages

Recent passages of people who were granted access are displayed in the section Recent passages.

Recent passages

This notification is displayed when SmartFace Platform identifies the detected person as a watchlist member and this person is authorized to pass the access point. The latest matched person is displayed together with her or his image stored in the watchlist.

Displayed information

  • the cropped image of the detected person
  • the image of the watchlist member is displayed
    only for the latest detected person
  • the matching score
  • the camera name
  • the time of the detection

You may display the recent passages for all cameras or only for one camera by choosing the camera name in the field SOURCE.

No issue detected