You will need a valid license file to use SFE Toolkit or SFE Stream Processor.
Hardware ID
The hardware ID of your Edge device or PC is required to generate the valid license.
Please use the License Manager application to generate a Hardware ID for your device:
./license_manager_cli -p
You may need to install libusb-0.1-4
which is required to use License Manager on Linux x86 platforms
$ sudo apt install libusb-0.1-4
On Embedded platforms, the MAC address of the device’s network adapter is used as the hardware ID.
If you are using a docker environment, you have to use the License Manager Server edition:
$ ./bin/license_manager_server_cli -p 10
The License Manager Server application is available to download at our Customer Portal.
NOTE: If you require a license based on a different type of hardware parameter of your edge device, please contact your Innovatrics sales representative.
License generating
Use the hardware ID or MAC address (without colons) of your device to generate a license at our Customer Portal.
License deployment
Copy this license file to one of the following locations on Linux PC and Embedded Linux:
(all users)~/.innovatrics
(specific user)- working directory
and on Windows PC:
(all users)C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Innovatrics\iengine.lic
(specific user)- working directory
The name of the license file has to be renamed to iengine.lic
License ENV variables
The license can be also set using environment variables:
- ILICENSE - path to the license file
- ILICENSE_DATA - base64 (RFC 4648) encoded license file content. Please note you have to disable line wrapping. To convert the license file to base64 correctly, please use the following command:
cat iengine.lic | base64 -w0 > base64_license.txt
SFE Stream Processor configuration
For SFE Stream Processor you can also set the license data via
configuration parameter.
The license data is expected to be base64 (RFC 4648) encoded license file content. Please note you have to disable line wrapping.