
SmartFace Embedded Stream Processor supports two-way communication between the edge device and server applications.

Stream processor uses MQTT protocol to send face recognition results and metadata (FrameData) from edge device to your local or server application. If you don’t want to use MQTT, we support sending the FrameData also using Websocket protocol.

The format of the FrameData message with an example message can be found below:

SFE Stream Processor Frame Data via MQTT

This part of the documentation describes the MQTT topic used by the SmartFace Embedded Stream Processor for sending the FrameData.

Using MQTT for communication with the camera requires the MQTT broker and MQTT Client to run as part of your solution.

SmartFace Platform is already integrated with SFE Stream Processor using MQTT.

Root topic

All topics are prefixed with the root topic (:settings.connection.topic) and client ID (:settings.connection.client_id) which are configured in the settings file.

FrameData Topic

  => Periodic(FrameData)

FrameData topic is currently the primary output topic of the stream processor. It is used to periodically send the frame data to the MQTT broker. Depending on the configuration, the frame data can contain the following information:

  • Face detection bounding boxes
  • Face landmarks
  • Face crops
  • Face templates
  • Face identification results
  • Face liveness detection results
  • Active tracking ids
  • New tracking ids
  • Lost tracking ids
  • Full frame data

See also the frame_data proto message format

FrameData Message Format

SFE Stream Processor supports sending FrameData messages in the following formats:

  • Protobuf (default),
  • Json,
  • Yaml

To change the format of the message you need to change messaging.format in the configuration. The content of the message depends on SFE Stream Processor Configuration See also an example FrameData message See the frame_data protobuf message

FrameData message example (Json)

    "timestamp": {
        "seconds": 1688110510,
        "nanos": 440625640
    "frame_number": 200,
    "frame_image": {
        "width": 1280,
        "height": 720,
        "data": null,
        "image_format": 0
    "face_data": [
            "face_detection_data": {
                "bounding_box": {
                    "x": 0.61946577,
                    "y": 0.3427477,
                    "width": 0.13254198,
                    "height": 0.30173743
                "detection_confidence": 0.24703383,
                "raw_detection_confidence": 0.99232244
            "face_tracking_data": {
                "tracking_id": 3,
                "tracking_uuid": "c8052a96-8c9d-4765-be94-1d6282cf4b32",
                "tracking_state": 1
            "landmarks_data": [
                    "keypoint_type": 0,
                    "confidence": 6555.97,
                    "x": 0.6450057,
                    "y": 0.45749876
                    "keypoint_type": 1,
                    "confidence": 7688.9907,
                    "x": 0.655019,
                    "y": 0.45629612
                    "keypoint_type": 2,
                    "confidence": 8230.616,
                    "x": 0.66622674,
                    "y": 0.4607573
                    "keypoint_type": 3,
                    "confidence": 8671.502,
                    "x": 0.69593364,
                    "y": 0.46342638
                    "keypoint_type": 4,
                    "confidence": 9183.3125,
                    "x": 0.7068537,
                    "y": 0.4600336
                    "keypoint_type": 5,
                    "confidence": 9303.206,
                    "x": 0.71774375,
                    "y": 0.46332029
                    "keypoint_type": 6,
                    "confidence": 9617.738,
                    "x": 0.68052393,
                    "y": 0.46196705
                    "keypoint_type": 7,
                    "confidence": 8992.809,
                    "x": 0.666,
                    "y": 0.5363946
                    "keypoint_type": 8,
                    "confidence": 9485.234,
                    "x": 0.6776546,
                    "y": 0.53633755
                    "keypoint_type": 9,
                    "confidence": 9714.433,
                    "x": 0.6920333,
                    "y": 0.53950506
                    "keypoint_type": 10,
                    "confidence": 8822.452,
                    "x": 0.6788875,
                    "y": 0.54646987
                    "keypoint_type": 11,
                    "confidence": 8965.842,
                    "x": 0.66079986,
                    "y": 0.56907797
                    "keypoint_type": 12,
                    "confidence": 9792.486,
                    "x": 0.679145,
                    "y": 0.5778152
                    "keypoint_type": 13,
                    "confidence": 9667.067,
                    "x": 0.6996888,
                    "y": 0.57404685
                    "keypoint_type": 14,
                    "confidence": 9861.519,
                    "x": 0.67930084,
                    "y": 0.56860363
                    "keypoint_type": 15,
                    "confidence": 9939.953,
                    "x": 0.679856,
                    "y": 0.59032
                    "keypoint_type": 16,
                    "confidence": 7141.656,
                    "x": 0.63856435,
                    "y": 0.43423924
                    "keypoint_type": 17,
                    "confidence": 8929.125,
                    "x": 0.66690445,
                    "y": 0.43565476
                    "keypoint_type": 18,
                    "confidence": 9254.477,
                    "x": 0.6952186,
                    "y": 0.43642095
                    "keypoint_type": 19,
                    "confidence": 8736.874,
                    "x": 0.72563595,
                    "y": 0.4419014
                    "keypoint_type": 20,
                    "confidence": 6720.5347,
                    "x": 0.6298149,
                    "y": 0.46593603
                    "keypoint_type": 21,
                    "confidence": 9549.333,
                    "x": 0.67872494,
                    "y": 0.641848
                    "keypoint_type": 22,
                    "confidence": 7431.887,
                    "x": 0.7382992,
                    "y": 0.47668388
            "face_mask_data": {
                "confidence": -3390.0
            "cropping_data": {
                "crop_extension": 2,
                "crop_box": {
                    "x": 0.5211221,
                    "y": 0.23136452,
                    "width": 0.31893653,
                    "height": 0.56699824
                "crop_image": {
                    "width": 250,
                    "height": 250,
                    "data": "...",
                    "image_format": 0
            "liveness_data": [
                    "liveness_type": 1,
                    "score": 0.7390711,
                    "raw_score": 0.256,
                    "liveness_conditions": [],
                    "codnitions_met": false
            "template_data": {
                "template": "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"
            "identification_data": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "uuid": "b8f21151-0c8e-4c6a-8f29-882b405ff9aa",
                    "score": 0.41636264,
                    "dsid": "GEN_ID_dbd738aa-cb94-4766-89d4-a2dfd79ffc0c||2",
                    "meta_data": []
            "identification": true
    "lost_object_data": [],
    "client_id": "dev"

Protobuf Messages

SFE Stream Processor protobuf messages are documented below:


You can find the innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.frame_data protobuf message structure below.

innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.frame_data imports also common.proto

syntax = "proto3";
package innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.frame_data;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "innovatrics/embedded/stream_processor/common.proto";

message FrameData {
    // timestamp of the frame the message was generated for
    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
    // incremental frame number
    uint64 frame_number = 2;
    // full frame image
    innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.Image frame_image = 3;
    // vector of detected faces
    repeated FaceData face_data = 4;
    // vector of lost objects
    repeated LostObjectData lost_object_data = 5;
    // client_id (same as MQTT client ID) of the source camera/device which produced the message
    string client_id = 6;

message FaceData {
    // face detection data
    FaceDetectionData face_detection_data = 1;
    // face tracking data
    TrackingData face_tracking_data = 2;
    // face landmarks data
    repeated FaceLandmarkData landmarks_data = 3;
    // face mask status data
    optional FaceMaskData face_mask_data = 4;
    // cropping data
    optional CroppingData cropping_data = 5;
    // liveness detection data 
    repeated LivenessData liveness_data = 6;
    // face template extraction
    optional innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.TemplateData template_data = 7;
    // face identification
    repeated IdentificationData identification_data = 8;
    // face ifentification was performed
    bool identification = 9;

message FaceDetectionData {
    // bounding box of detected face
    innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.BoundingBox bounding_box = 1;
    // normalized value detection confidence of detected face - range <0,1>
    float detection_confidence = 2;
    // raw value of detection confidence of detected face - range <0,1>
    float raw_detection_confidence = 3;

message TrackingData {
    // tracking ID (ByteTrack) assigned to detected object
    uint32 tracking_id = 1;
    // tracking UUID assigned to detected object
    string tracking_uuid = 2;
    // tracking state (ByteTrack) of detected object
    TrackingState tracking_state = 3;

message FaceLandmarkData {
    // type of the keypoint detected in the face
    FaceKeypointType keypoint_type = 1;
    // confidence of the keypoint detected in the face - range <0,1>
    float confidence = 2;
    // X coordinate of the keypoint relative to full frame - range <0,1>
    float x = 3;
    // Y coordinate of the keypoint relative to full frame - range <0,1>
    float y = 4;

message FaceMaskData {
    // face mask detection confidence - range <0,1>
    float confidence = 1;

message CroppingData {
    // extension of the crop image specified in settings
    uint32 crop_extension = 1;
    // bounding box of the crop
    optional innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.BoundingBox crop_box = 2;
    // crop image of detected object
    optional innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.Image crop_image = 3;

message IdentificationData {
    // entity id, deprecated
    uint32 id = 1;
    // uuid - unique 36 character string (32 digits separated by hyphens)
    string uuid = 2;
    // match score
    float score = 3;
    // DSID
    string dsid = 4;
    // User metadata
    repeated innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.MetaData meta_data = 5;

// tracking state enumeration (defined by ByteTrack)
enum TrackingState {
    New = 0;
    Tracked = 1;
    Lost = 2;
    Removed = 3;
    reserved 4 to max;

// face keypoint type enumeration
enum FaceKeypointType {
    RightEyeOuterCorner = 0;
    RightEyeCentre = 1;
    RightEyeInnerCorner = 2;
    LeftEyeInnerCorner = 3;
    LeftEyeCentre = 4;
    LeftEyeOuterCorner = 5;
    NoseRoot = 6;
    NoseRightBottom = 7;
    NoseTip = 8;
    NoseLeftBottom = 9;
    NoseBottom = 10;
    MouthRightCorner = 11;
    MouthCenter = 12;
    MouthLeftCorner = 13;
    MouthUpperEdge = 14;
    MouthLowerEdge = 15;
    RightEyebrowOuterEnd = 16;
    RightEyebrowInnerEnd = 17;
    LeftEyebrowInnerEnd = 18;
    LeftEyebrowOuterEnd = 19;
    RightEdge = 20;
    ChinTip = 21;
    LeftEdge = 22;
    reserved 23 to max;

// Liveness data
message LivenessData {
    // type of liveness detection algorithm
    LivenessType liveness_type = 1;
    // liveness detection score, default 0
    float score = 2;
    // liveness detection raw score, default 0
    float raw_score = 3;
    // liveness conditions and thresholds
    repeated Condition liveness_conditions = 4;
    // liveness conditions were met, default false
    bool conditions_met = 5;
// liveness detection algorithm enumeration
enum LivenessType {
    // Passive liveness calculated from distant solver
    PassiveDistant = 0;
    // Passive liveness calculated from nearby solver
    PassiveNearby = 1;
    reserved 2 to max;

// condition type enumeration
enum ConditionType {
    FaceSize = 0;
    FaceRelativeArea = 1;
    FaceRelativeAreaInImage = 2;
    YawAngle = 3;
    PitchAngle = 4;
    RollAngle = 5;
    Sharpness = 6;
    Brightness = 7;
    Contrast = 8;
    reserved 9 to max;

message Condition {
    // condition type
    ConditionType condition_type = 1;
    // raw value of the condition
    float value = 2;
    // lower threshold
    optional float lower_threshold = 4;
    // optional upper threshold
    optional float upper_threshold = 5;
    // tag if conditions for liveness evaluation were met
    bool condition_met = 6;

message LostObjectData {
    // tracking UUID of the lost object
    string tracking_uuid = 1;
    // timestamp of the frame where the object appeared first time (New in ByteTrack)
    google.protobuf.Timestamp first_time_appeared = 2;
    // timestamp of the frame where ByteTrack change the tracking status of the object to Removed
    google.protobuf.Timestamp last_time_appeared = 3;
    // crop of best appearance of the object in tracklet - NOT SUPPORTED YET
    optional innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.Image best_crop_image = 4;


You can find the innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common protobuf message structure below.

syntax = "proto3";
package innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common;

/// Template data
message TemplateData {
    bytes template = 1;

/// Image message
message Image {
    // width of the image
    uint32 width = 1;
    // height of the image
    uint32 height = 2;
    // image data in specified format
    optional bytes data = 3;
    // format of the image data specified in settings
    ImageFormat image_format = 4;

// Image format
enum ImageFormat {
    // default
    Raw = 0;
    // Jpeg
    Jpeg = 1;
    // Png
    Png = 2;
    reserved 3 to max;

// Error message
message Error {
  // error message
  string message = 1;

// Normalized bounding box
message BoundingBox {
    // X coordinate of left upper corner of bounding box relative to full frame - range <0,1>
    float x = 1;
    // Y coordinate of left upper corner of bounding box relative to full frame - range <0,1>
    float y = 2;
    // width of bounding box relative to width of full frame - range <0,1>
    float width = 3;
    // height of bounding box relative to height of full frame - range <0,1>
    float height = 4;

// String meta data
message MetaData {
    string key = 1;
    string value = 2;


You can find the protobuf message structure below. imports also common.proto

syntax = "proto3";

// Used for reporting a status of stream processor
message HealthReport {
  // Stream processor version
  string version = 1;
  // Status of the stream processor
  HealthStatus status = 2;

// Possible statuses of stream processor
enum HealthStatus {
  // Indicates stream processor is online
  Online = 0;
  // Indicates stream processor is offline
  Offline = 1;
  // Indicates stream processor has disconnected
  OfflineDisconnected = 2;
  reserved 3 to max;


You can find the innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.db protobuf message structure below.

innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.db.proto imports also common.proto

syntax = "proto3";
package innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.db;

import "innovatrics/embedded/stream_processor/common.proto";

// Request database update
message UpdateRequest {
    // From DSID
    string from_dsid = 1;
    // To DSID
    string to_dsid = 2;
    // Failure DSID
    string failure_dsid = 3;
    // Clear database flag
    bool clear = 4;
    // Update / insert
    repeated MemberUpsert updates = 5;
    // Delete
    repeated MemberDelete deletes = 6;

// Set or update user
message MemberUpsert {
  // Member info
  MemberInfo member_info = 1;
  // Templates
  repeated innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.TemplateData templates = 2;
  // Member metadata
  repeated innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.MetaData meta_data = 3;

// Users to delete
message MemberDelete {
  // Member info
  MemberInfo member_info = 1;

// Member info used to identify user
message MemberInfo {
  // uuid - unique 36 character string (32 digits separated by hyphens)
  string uuid = 1;

// Update response message
message UpdateResponse {
  // DSID
  string current_dsid = 1;
  // Error message in case of an error
  optional string error_message = 2;

// Request for status
message StatusRequest {}

// Status response message
message StatusResponse {
  // DSID
  string current_dsid = 1;
  // Error message in case of an error
  optional string error_message = 2;


You can find the innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.user protobuf message structure below.

innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.user imports also common.proto

syntax = "proto3";
package innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.user;

import "innovatrics/embedded/stream_processor/common.proto";

// Record stored in database
message Record {
    // Record UUID
    string uuid = 1;
    // Face templates
    repeated innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.TemplateData templates = 2;
    // Metadata
    repeated innovatrics.embedded.stream_processor.common.MetaData metadata = 3;

// A collection of Records
message Records {
    // Records
    repeated Record records = 1;