
Scaling of services in terms of SmartFace basically means to add new replicas of service. Several of the services can be scaled up. Some of these services even can be set to use the CPU or GPU explicitly on service level. You can decide what will they use while performing the adding action. The way how we add new replicas differs on Windows and Linux.

Scaling services on Linux

The easiest way to scale up services on Linux is to use the replica keyword in docker compose. If you would like to scale up a detector to have 5 running services instead of one, please add these lines into the detector’s container configuration:

    replicas: 5

Please note than if you scale up an container you should not use the container_name key. The key should be unique, therefore manually set name will fail. The system can adjust the name automatically.

An example of a scaled up container would look like:

    image: ${REGISTRY}sf-liveness:${SF_VERSION}
      #container_name: SFLiveness
    restart: unless-stopped
      replicas: 5
      - RabbitMQ__Hostname
      - RabbitMQ__Username
      - RabbitMQ__Password
      - RabbitMQ__Port
      - RabbitMQ__VirtualHost
      - RabbitMQ__UseSsl
      - AppSettings__Log_RollingFile_Enabled=false
      - AppSettings__USE_JAEGER_APP_SETTINGS
      - "./iengine.lic:/etc/innovatrics/iengine.lic"

Adding new camera service

To add a new camera service, please add an additional set of lines for a new camera container. An example would be:

    image: ${REGISTRY}sf-cam:${SF_VERSION}
    container_name: SFCam5
    command: --serviceName SFCam5
      - 30005:${CameraDefaults__PreviewPort}
    restart: unless-stopped
      - RabbitMQ__Hostname
      - RabbitMQ__Username
      - RabbitMQ__Password
      - RabbitMQ__Port
      - RabbitMQ__VirtualHost
      - RabbitMQ__UseSsl
      - ConnectionStrings__CoreDbContext
      - Database__DbEngine
      - AppSettings__Log_RollingFile_Enabled=false
      - AppSettings__USE_JAEGER_APP_SETTINGS
      - S3Bucket__Endpoint
      - S3Bucket__BucketName
      - S3Bucket__AccessKey
      - S3Bucket__SecretKey
    # - GstPipelineTemplate
    # - Gpu__GpuNeuralRuntime=Tensor
      - "./iengine.lic:/etc/innovatrics/iengine.lic"
    # - "/var/tmp/innovatrics/tensor-rt:/var/tmp/innovatrics/tensor-rt"
    #runtime: nvidia

Please notice the number 5 used across those lines. Due to needed uniquenes please for each added camera apply a different number across the definition. This includes the name of the container, ‘container_name’ and ‘ports’. So for example for a new 35th camera, the suggested port would be 30035 instead of the 30005.

Once you have updated the docker-compose.yml file, if the total number of cameras is higher than the default, we need to apply the changes in the database. The easiest way to do so is to rerun the script, however we need to update the script before running it. Please update the script and do a change in the code snippet below, please adjust the <camera-number> value to match you desired number of cameras.

run-migration \
            -p <camera-number> -c "$(getvalue ConnectionStrings__CoreDbContext)" -dbe $DB_ENGINE \
            --rmq-host "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Hostname)" --rmq-user "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Username)" --rmq-pass "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Password)" \
            --rmq-virtual-host "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__VirtualHost)" --rmq-port "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Port)" --rmq-use-ssl "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__UseSsl)"

For example, setting the camera number to be 35, the code snippet would look like below:

run-migration \
            -p 35 -c "$(getvalue ConnectionStrings__CoreDbContext)" -dbe $DB_ENGINE \
            --rmq-host "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Hostname)" --rmq-user "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Username)" --rmq-pass "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Password)" \
            --rmq-virtual-host "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__VirtualHost)" --rmq-port "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__Port)" --rmq-use-ssl "$(getvalue RabbitMQ__UseSsl)"

You can then run the script with the command below to apply the changes:


The script will also apply changes to the docker-compose.yml files.

Scaling services on Windows

On Windows all SmartFace Services are registered as a Windows Service. So, to add new replica means to register a new Windows Service.

To use the command below, please open the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe).

Adding extra service

You can add a new service using a command promtp command such as the example below.
SC CREATE "{service-name}" binpath= "C:\Program Files\Innovatrics\SmartFace\{application-executable-file} Gpu:GpuEnabled={true-false}" DisplayName= "{display-name}" start= delayed-auto

Please replace the {key} with a proper value as per your needs.

This is a service name, you can choose it as per your liking. The name should be unique and we suggest to keep it related to the service you plan to use. An example would be SFLivenessCpu2

This is the executable binary file. It will be located in the path you have chosen during the installation process. Each service has it’s own file. An example would be RpcLiveness.exe

Here you can choose whether the service should be using a GPU for it’s computation. Not all services support GPU computation. You can choose true or false values

Here you can set a display name. It is a description used for better understanding what the service does. An example of an value vould be SmartFace Liveness CPU 2

The full example would look like:
SC CREATE "SFLivenessCpu2" binpath= "C:\Program Files\Innovatrics\SmartFace\RpcLiveness.exe Gpu:GpuEnabled=false" DisplayName= "SmartFace Liveness CPU 2" start= delayed-auto

SC CREATE "SFLivenessCpu2" binpath= "C:\Program Files\Innovatrics\SmartFace\RpcLiveness.exe Gpu:GpuEnabled=false" DisplayName= "SmartFace Liveness CPU 2" start= delayed-auto
SC CREATE "SFLivenessCpu3" binpath= "C:\Program Files\Innovatrics\SmartFace\RpcLiveness.exe Gpu:GpuEnabled=false" DisplayName= "SmartFace Liveness CPU 3" start= delayed-auto
SC CREATE "SFLivenessCpu4" binpath= "C:\Program Files\Innovatrics\SmartFace\RpcLiveness.exe Gpu:GpuEnabled=false" DisplayName= "SmartFace Liveness CPU 4" start= delayed-auto

Here is a sample of well scalled single server Windows deployment and its services


Adding additional cameras

Adding a new camera consist of creating a new camera service and adding a new records in the SmartFace database. Therefore the most practical way to achieve it is to rerun the SmartFace Platform instalation wizard. The wizard will reuse existing settings so please proceed through the steps that you do not plan to change.

Once you get to the screen, where you can choose the amount of cameras to be used, please update the value. Then proceed with the rest of the installation wizard. The SmartFace Platform will be updated.

Updating the number of cameras