Obtain a License

SmartFace license is required for the correct functionality of the Innovatrics SmartFace. It needs to be activated before the installation of the SmartFace.

To obtain your license please follow these steps:

  1. Get the Hardware ID for your operating system and run it
  2. Obtain the license from the Customer Portal
ℹ️ Your sales representative will provide you the credentials for the Customer Portal login.

Video Tutorial

If you prefer a video step by step guide please watch the prepared tutorial videos. If you prefer to read a step by step guide, please skip this section and navigate to the Get the Hardware ID for you operating system and run it section. There is a video for the Windows environment and an another video for the Linux environment:



Get the Hardware ID for you operating system and run it

License manager is a tool allowing you to get your Hardware ID. License manager has 2 versions, Which license manager to use depends on the operating system used.

Hardware ID on Linux

  1. Login to container registry on your device. The credentials are available in our Customer Portal at Home > Products & Licenses > Products under a release.

    Customer Portal access Products on the top menu bar or through Home > Products & Licenses > Products

  2. Click on the name of the SmartFace product and then on the SmartFace page choose the current release version - major version first, then the release itself.

  3. At this screen you can get the Username and Password to be used for loging into the Gitlab’s Registry.

  4. Login using the command below:

    docker login registry.gitlab.com -u sf-distribution -p <password>

  5. Identify hardware ID (HWID) for your machine with command

    docker run registry.gitlab.com/innovatrics/smartface/license-manager:3.2.7

    This process work for native Linux. For WSL2 (e.g. Linux containers on Windows) you need a special license for which you need to contact our sales.

    If you are using an ARM device, you need to run the command using the --privileged parameter: docker run --privileged registry.gitlab.com/innovatrics/smartface/license-manager:3.2.7

    The sample result would be: Hardware ID of this device is: <hardwareID> Please note or copy into the clipboard the value <hardwareID> for the next step.

Hardware ID on Windows

All of the Installation Files, including the License Manager are available at our Customer Portal, you can login with your credentials.

  1. At the Customer Portal access Products on the top menu bar or through Home > Products & Licenses > Products

  1. Click on the name of the SmartFace product and then on the SmartFace page choose the current release version - major version first, then the release itself.

  1. Under the Downloads section, you can download all the installation files. This includes the LicenseManager.exe. Please ensure you are using the License Manager related to the version you are using.

  1. Run the LicenseManager.exe.

  1. Select the tab Hardware ID and copy the generated ID by clicking Copy to clipboard.

Hardware ID on Camera

Use the MAC address (without colons) of your camera as a Hardware ID to generate a license. The MAC address of the camera can be found in the camera web interface in the IP settings.

Obtain the license from the Customer Portal

Use the Customer Portal to generate a license for the SmartFace Platform or SmartFace Embedded

License for SmartFace Platform

  1. Open the Customer Portal and navigate to Licenses either through the top menu bar or through Home > Products & Licenses > Licenses

  1. Click on the Generate License button and fill out the Product (in this case SmartFace), License Type and the Hardware ID (taken from the License Manager). Click Submit

  1. If successful, you will see the confirmation of a license being generated. You can download it directly from the notification or you can click on the license in the list of licenses and download it from there.

License for SmartFace Embedded

  1. Open the Customer Portal and navigate to Licenses either through the top menu bar or through Home > Products & Licenses > Licenses

  1. Click on the Generate License button and fill out the Product (in this case SmartFace Embedded), License Type (in this case SFE STream Processor) and the Hardware ID (MAC address of the camera). Click Submit

  1. If successful, you will see the confirmation of a license being generated. You can download it directly from the notification or you can click on the license in the list of licenses and download it from there.

Follow the installation guide

Once you have obtained the license please go to the next step based on your system of choice

You can read more know more about the installation and deployment topics and the best practices installation guides.