
This chapter guides you on how to get your SmartFace and up running, from checking the minimal requirements, and obtaining your license to your first facial identification. Installing our software is a straightforward process that will have you up and running in no time.

Prepare for the Installation

Here is the installation process including pre-installation checks and post-installation best practices.

1. Check requirements

Check the Hardware requirements for common scenarios of using the SmartFace Platform. For additional information regarding choosing and setting up a camera please read the Camera guide.

2. Obtain a license

SmartFace license is required for the correct functionality of the Innovatrics SmartFace. Please follow instruction to obtain a license.

3. Follow the installation guide

Once you have obtained a license please go to the next step based on your system of choice

4. Edge deployment

If you have a Smart Camera available you can install SmartFace Embedded on your camera.

5. After Installation

Your SmartFace installation is now complete and you are ready for the first steps, such as enrolling a Watchlist Member, adding an RTSP camera and doing your first biometric identification. Follow the instructions at After Installation page

6. Best practices

You can read more about the installation and deployment topics and the best practices installation guides.