DOT Web Face Auto Capture



DOT Web Face Auto Capture is set of Non-ui component and Ui component web components to capture image of user’s face.

Non-ui component is a web component that renders the video stream from an available phone or web camera to automatically capture an image of a user’s face with the required quality.

Ui component is a web component that renders an overlay over video stream. Overlay includes a placeholder, camera control buttons and instructions to guide the user to position their face correctly.

Supported Browsers

DOT Web Face Auto Capture was tested with:

  • Chrome on desktop (Windows, Mac and Linux) and mobile (Android, iPhone)

  • Firefox on desktop (Windows, Mac and Linux) and mobile (Android)

  • Edge on Windows

  • Safari on Mac, iPad and iPhone

  • WebView on Android*

  • SafariVC on iPad and iPhone**

  • WKWebView on iPad and iPhone***

Known issues:

* Some older Android phones can experience issues with camera stream initialization using WebRTC. Our web components will work on most of them, but camera stream could be slow and laggy. This issue is caused by device and can be experienced in any website using WebRTC in Android WebView.

** Components are tested with SafariVC on devices iPhone 7 and newer with iOS 15 or iPadOS 15 or newer. Older devices or iOS versions are not officially supported and might experience issues.

*** In order to run DOT Web Face Auto Capture in WKWebView on iPhone or iPad, allowsInlineMediaPlayback and mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback properties on WKWebViewConfiguration must be set to true.

Privacy and security

This component can only be used in secure contexts due to MediaDevices API used for handling camera access. A secure context is, in short, a page loaded using HTTPS or the file:/// URL scheme, or a page loaded from localhost. Before accessing any camera, the component must always get the user’s permission. Browsers may offer a once-per-domain permission feature, but they must ask at least the first time, and the user has to specifically grant ongoing permission if they choose to do so. Browsers are required to display an indicator that shows that a camera or microphone is in use. More details can be found on MDN docs.

Important Notice

For security reasons, the use of devtools is not possible with DOT Web Face Auto Capture.

Non-ui component


Minimum required camera resolution for appropriate results is 720p. Anything less than 720p is insufficient.


DOT Web Face Auto Capture can be installed via NPM, yarn or pnpm

npm install @innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture

To manually integrate the DOT Web Face Auto Capture, download latest version from the Github repository. Then add following line to dependencies in your package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture": "file:dot-face-auto-capture-[VERSION].tgz"

where [VERSION] is the DOT Web Face Auto Capture version integrated. This installs dot-face-auto-capture as an external module that can then be used (just like any other module in the code). For example, one could do import '@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture'; in the app.


Face auto capture component is a web component which uses custom HTML <x-dot-face-auto-capture/> tag. Properties cameraOptions needs to be passed into component after <x-dot-face-auto-capture/> tag was rendered.

import type {
} from "@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture";
import { useEffect, useCallback } from "react";
import "@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture";

const FaceCamera = (props: FaceCameraProps) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    const faceAutoCaptureHTMLElement = document.getElementById(
    ) as HTMLFaceCaptureElement | null;

    if (faceAutoCaptureHTMLElement) {
      faceAutoCaptureHTMLElement.cameraOptions = props;

  return <x-dot-face-auto-capture id="x-dot-face-auto-capture" />;

const Page = () => {

  const handleFacePhotoTaken = (image: Blob, resolution: FaceComponentData) => {
    // ...

  // Save function reference to prevent unnecessary reload of component
  const handleError = useCallback(
    (error: Error) => {

  return (

See also DOT Web Samples showing the usage of DOT Web Auto Capture components in different front-end technologies like React, Angular…​


Declaration file is bundled inside package. To use with TypeScript, import types from @innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture.

import type { FaceCallback, FaceCameraProps } from "@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture";

Hosting SAM wasm

The component needs to have access to the WebAssembly wasm binary file. It’s distributed in the package, and needs to be hosted by the website provider. By default, component try to fetch wasm file from <PROJECT_ORIGIN>/sam.wasm. This can be changed using the samWasmUrl property. If using Create React App, copy the`sam.wasm` file to public folder. In our example the final path is public/sam.wasm.


  • (Optional) ['png'] string imageType – Format of the image returned after successful capture

    • 'jpeg'

    • 'png'

  • (Optional) ['user'] string cameraFacing – Defines which camera to acquire from the browser’s getUserMedia API

    • 'user' – The video source is facing toward the user; this is the selfie or front-facing camera on a smartphone

    • 'environment' – The video source is facing away from the user, thereby viewing their environment; this is the back camera on a smartphone

  • function onPhotoTaken – Callback on successful image capture

  • function onError – Callback in the case that an error occurred (see Handling errors)

    • (e: Error) ⇒ void

  • (Optional) string samWasmUrl - URL link to the location where the wasm binary file is hosted

  • (Optional) object thresholds - Detection configuration

    • (Optional) [0.12] number faceConfidence - Detection confidence threshold

    • (Optional) [400] number sharpnessThreshold - Low sharpness threshold

    • (Optional) [300] number brightnessLowThreshold - Low brightness threshold

    • (Optional) [900] number brightnessHighThreshold - High brightness threshold

    • (optional) [0.05] number outOfBoundsThreshold - Face out of bounds threshold

    • (Optional) [0.35] number minFaceSizeRatio - Minimum face size ratio relative to shorter side of the camera resolution

    • (Optional) [0.44] number maxFaceSizeRatio - Maximum face size ratio relative to shorter side of the camera resolution

Callback parameters

  • Blob image – Returned image on successful capture

  • object data

    • object cameraSettings - MediaTrackSettings object containing used webcam settings. The object in addition contains device name.

    • (Optional) object detection - Object contains all detection parameters and its values. Present if image was taken using auto capture (not manual capture).

    • object imageResolution - Width and height of the captured image.

Multi capture

Face auto capture component allows you to capture an unlimited number of faces without the need to reinitialize the webcam and detector. Component calls onPhotoTaken callback on every captured face photo. When onPhotoTaken is called, detection is paused. Camera stream and face detector stay initialized. Component is in waiting state. You should implement a custom UI for waiting state (e.g. overlay over our component). We provide a default UI, but it is not customizable.

Implement dispatch 'continue-detection' event

import { dispatchControlEvent, FaceCustomEvent, ControlEventInstruction } from '@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events';

const continueDetection = () => {
  dispatchControlEvent(FaceCustomEvent.CONTROL, ControlEventInstruction.CONTINUE_DETECTION)

Without importing @innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events.

function continueDetection() {
    new CustomEvent('face-auto-capture:control', {
      detail: { instruction: 'continue-detection' },

Handling errors

When an error occurs, we call onError callback with one parameter of type Error. We set name property to AutoCaptureError, and also message with more details. Component renders default UI for error state, but is not customizable, and integrator should implement own error handling. Component uses the MediaDevices API that provides access to connected media input devices like cameras and microphones. If the user denies permission to access or the webcam is not present, an error is thrown. We provide original error thrown by browser inside cause property of the error object. List of possible errors can be found on MDN docs.

Error example:

  name: "AutoCaptureError",
  message: "The webcam is already in use by another application",
  cause: DOMException: Could not start video source // Original error thrown by browser MediaDevices API

Ui component


Both components must be wrapped in parent div with position: relative.

<div style={{position: 'relative'}}>
  <FaceUi />


UI component can be installed via NPM, yarn or pnpm

npm install @innovatrics/dot-auto-capture-ui

To manually integrate UI component, download latest version from the Github repository. Add following line to dependencies in your package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "@innovatrics/dot-auto-capture-ui": "file:dot-auto-capture-ui-[VERSION].tgz",

where [VERSION] is the DOT Web Face Auto Capture version integrated. This installs dot-auto-capture-ui as an external module that can be used (just like any other module in the code). For example, one could do import '@innovatrics/dot-auto-capture-ui'; in the app.


Face auto capture UI component is an web component which uses custom HTML <x-dot-face-auto-capture-ui /> tag. Properties props needs to be passed into component after <x-dot-face-auto-capture-ui /> tag was rendered.

import type { FaceUiProps, HTMLFacetUiElement } from '@innovatrics/dot-autocapture-ui/face';
import '@innovatrics/dot-auto-capture-ui/face';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

const FaceUi = (props: FaceUiProps) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    const uiElement = document.getElementById('x-dot-face-auto-capture-ui') as HTMLFacetUiElement | null;

    if (uiElement) {
      uiElement.props = props;

  return <x-dot-face-auto-capture-ui id="x-dot-face-auto-capture-ui" />;


Declaration files are bundled inside package. Just import types from @innovatrics/dot-auto-capture-ui/face.


  • (Optional) string placeholder - One of the predefined placeholders in component that can be selected

    • 'circle-solid'

    • 'ellipse-solid'

    • 'man-solid'

    • 'woman-solid'

    • 'square-rounded-dash'

    • 'square-rounded-solid'

    • 'square-dash'

    • 'square-solid'

  • (Optional) object instructions - Modification of default messages for localization or customization

    • (Optional) ['Stay still…'] string candidate_selection - Shown when all validations are passed, i.e. the image is suitable for capture

    • (Optional) ['Move back'] string face_too_close - Shown when the face is too close to the camera

    • (Optional) ['Move closer'] string face_too_far - Shown when the face is too far from the camera

    • (Optional) ['Center your face'] string face_centering - Shown when the face is not centered in the placeholder

    • (Optional) ['Position your face into the circle'] string face_not_present - Shown when no face is detected

    • (Optional) ['Turn face against light'] string sharpness_too_low - Shown when the face in the image is not sharp enough

    • (Optional) ['Turn face against light'] string brightness_too_low - Shown when the image is too dark

    • (Optional) ['Less light needed'] string brightness_too_high - Shown when the image is too bright.

  • (Optional) theme - Modification of theme properties.

    • (Optional) colors - To customize colors of following properties

      • (Optional) ['white'] color placeholderColor - Color of the placeholder lines

      • (Optional) ['#00BFB2'] color placeholderColorSuccess - Color of the placeholder lines when all validations are passed

      • (Optional) ['white'] color instructionColor - Instruction background color

      • (Optional) ['#00BFB2'] color instructionColorSuccess - Instruction background color when all validations are passed

      • (Optional) ['black'] color instructionTextColor - Instruction text color

  • (Optional) appStateInstructions - Modification of default messages for component state

    • (Optional) loading - Component loading state

      • (Optional) ['Loading. Please wait.'] string text - Text shown while component is loading

      • (Optional) [true] boolean visible - Show/hide loading instruction while component is loading

    • (Optional) waiting - Component waiting state

      • (Optional) ['Waiting for input'] string text - Text shown while component is waiting

      • (Optional) [true] boolean visible - Show/hide waiting instruction while component is waiting

  • (Optional) [false] boolean showDetectionLayer - Show/hide detection layer on top of component

  • (Optional) [false] boolean showCameraButtons - Show/hide camera buttons (switch camera and toggle mirror) on top of component

Example how to use UI properties:

  theme={{ colors: { placeholderColor: 'green' } }}
  instructions={{ candidate_selection: 'Candidate selection' }}
  appStateInstructions={{ loading: { text: 'Component is loading', visible: true } }}

Custom Events - Optional

Communication between components is based on custom events. Ui component is mostly listening to events dispatched by non-ui component. In case of CONTROL event, ui component dispatches control events to control non-ui component.

When using default [face-auto-capture-ui] component, only dispatch continue-detection event has to be implemented to use Multi capture.

Type of Events

Currently all events being used are described in this section. These are sufficient to build custom UI layer.

  • enum FaceCustomEvent - Event names dispatched by components

    • CONTROL = 'face-auto-capture:control - Events dispatched from 'ui' component to control non-ui component. Described in Control Events section

  • CAMERA_PROPS_CHANGED = 'face-auto-capture:camera-props-changed' - Notifies UI when camera properties has changed

    • INSTRUCTION_CHANGED = 'face-auto-capture:instruction-changed' - Notifies UI when instruction has changed

    • STATE_CHANGED = 'face-auto-capture:state-changed' - Notifies UI when state of non-ui component has changed

    • DETECTED_FACE_CHANGED = 'face-auto-capture:detected-face-changed' - Notifies UI when face is detected. Used in Detection Layer, has no effect if showDetectionLayer = false

    • VIDEO_ELEMENT_SIZE = 'face-auto-capture:video-element-size' - Notifies UI when HTML video element size has changed


Import @innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events to use event types and and dispatch control events.

Listening to the Events

All event listeners are already implemented in default [face-auto-capture-ui] component. Skip this section if you are using default ui component.

All FaceCustomEvent events, except CONTROL, are dispatched by Face Auto Capture non-ui component. Ui component listens to these events to make appropriate changes. See the example below how to register event listeners.

import type {
} from '@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events'
import { FaceCustomEvent } from '@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events';
import type {
} from '@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

export const Events = () => {
  const [instructionCode, setInstructionCode] = useState<FaceInstructionCode | undefined>();
  const [cameraResolution, setCameraResolution] = useState<Resolution | undefined>();
  const [isMirroring, setIsMirroring] = useState<boolean | undefined>();
  const [appState, setAppState] = useState<AppState | undefined>();
  const [error, setError] = useState<AutoCaptureError | undefined>();
  const [videoElementSize, setVideoElementSize] = useState<DOMRect | undefined>();
  const [detectedFaceCorners, setDetectedFaceCorners] = useState<DetectedFaceCorners | undefined>();

  useEffect(() => {
    const handleInstruction = (event: FaceInstructionChangeEvent) => {

    const handleCameraProps = (event: CameraPropsChangeEvent) => {

    const handleAppState = (event: CameraStateChangeEvent) => {

      const error = event?.detail?.error;

      if (error) {

    const handleVideoElementSize = (event: VideoElementSizeChangeEvent) => {

    const handleDetectedFace = (event: DetectedFaceChangeEvent) => {

    document.addEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.INSTRUCTION_CHANGED, handleInstruction);
    document.addEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.CAMERA_PROPS_CHANGED, handleCameraProps);
    document.addEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.STATE_CHANGED, handleAppState);
    document.addEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.VIDEO_ELEMENT_SIZE, handleVideoElementSize)
    document.addEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.DETECTED_FACE_CHANGED, handleDetectedFace)

    return () => {
      document.removeEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.INSTRUCTION_CHANGED, handleInstruction);
      document.removeEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.CAMERA_PROPS_CHANGED, handleCameraProps);
      document.removeEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.STATE_CHANGED, handleAppState);
      document.removeEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.VIDEO_ELEMENT_SIZE, handleVideoElementSize);
      document.removeEventListener(FaceCustomEvent.DETECTED_FACE_CHANGED, handleDetectedFace)
  }, [])

Without importing @innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events you can use values of FaceCustomEvent directly.

const instructionChangeEvent = "face-auto-capture:instruction-changed";

function handleInstructionChange(event) {

document.addEventListener(instructionChangeEvent, handleInstructionChange);

 * remove event listener when you're done
document.removeEventListener(instructionChangeEvent, handleInstructionChange);

Control Events

Control events are dispatched from ui component to control non-ui component.

  • enum ControlEventInstruction

    • CONTINUE_DETECTION = 'continue-detection' - Controls Multi capture

    • SWITCH_CAMERA = 'switch-camera' - Notifies Face Auto Capture to use different camera

    • TOGGLE_MIRROR = 'toggle-mirror' - Notifies Face Auto Capture to mirror video stream

import { dispatchControlEvent, FaceCustomEvent, ControlEventInstruction } from '@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events';

export const Dispatch = () => {

  const continueDetection = () => {
    dispatchControlEvent(FaceCustomEvent.CONTROL, ControlEventInstruction.CONTINUE_DETECTION)

  const switchCamera = () => {
    dispatchControlEvent(FaceCustomEvent.CONTROL, ControlEventInstruction.SWITCH_CAMERA)

  const toggleMirror = () => {
    dispatchControlEvent(FaceCustomEvent.CONTROL, ControlEventInstruction.TOGGLE_MIRROR)

  return (
      <button onClick={continueDetection}>Continue detection</button>
      <button onClick={switchCamera}>Switch camera</button>
      <button onClick={toggleMirror}>Mirror camera</button>

Without importing @innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events you can use values of FaceCustomEvent and ControlEventInstruction directly.

const continueDetection = () => {
    new CustomEvent('face-auto-capture:control', {
      detail: { instruction: 'continue-detection' },

Example of using components together

import type { FaceComponentData } from '@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture';
import {
} from '@innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events'
import { useCallback } from 'react';

import FaceCamera from './FaceCamera'
import FaceUi from './FaceUi'

const FaceAutoCapture = () => {
  const handlePhotoTaken = (image: Blob, data: FaceComponentData) => {
    console.log(image, data);

  const handleError = useCallback(
    (error: Error) => {

  const handleContinueDetection = () => {
    dispatchControlEvent(FaceCustomEvent.CONTROL, ControlEventInstruction.CONTINUE_DETECTION)

  return (
      <button onClick={handleContinueDetection}>Continue detection</button>
      <div style={{ position: 'relative' }}>
        <FaceUi />



4.1.2 - 2023-03-31

  • Incremental version upgrade

4.1.1 - 2023-03-27

  • Incremental version upgrade

4.1.0 - 2023-03-24

  • Improvements in face detection

  • FACE_BRIGHTNESS_LOW_THRESHOLD lowered from 400 to 300

  • UI component occasionally started in candidate_selection phase after receiving continue-detection event

  • detection crop ratio 4:3

  • Component version in debug layer

4.0.4 - 2023-03-15

  • Build package in umd format

  • FacePlaceholderIcon changed from enum to union type

  • AppState changed from enum to readonly object

4.0.3 - 2023-03-07

  • Detection not initialized on slow internet connection. Component remains in "waiting" state

  • "Candidate selection phase" at the beginning of detection when detecting multiple captures

  • applied text-align: center on instruction component on small screen

4.0.2 - 2023-02-23

  • changed instruction when face_not_present

4.0.1 - 2023-01-19

  • export events from @innovatrics/dot-face-auto-capture/events

4.0.0 - 2023-01-18

  • UI layer from camera component (buttons, placeholder, instruction, app state overlay and detection layer)

  • center face validator



  • UI package with placeholder, instructions, buttons and detection layer

  • Custom events and events listeners for communication from app to component (switch-camera, toggle-mirror)

  • Custom events and events listeners for communication from components to app (camera-resolution-changed, instruction-changed, detected-document-changed, state-changed)

  • detection layer with detected face circle

  • showDetectionLayer switch for show/hide camera buttons (switch camera, toggle mirror)

  • showCameraButtons switch for show/hide detection layer

  • OutOfBounds validator

  • outOfBoundsValidationRectangle

  • outOfBoundsDetectionPoints

  • all rectangles and points into debug layer

  • SAM version into debug layer

  • Rename photoTakenCb to onPhotoTaken

  • Order of instruction processing. Before validating the centering of the detected face, the size of the detected face is validated.

  • Component is now build as umd and es module

  • Camera buttons (switch camera, toggle mirror) are now hidden by default

3.5.2 - 2022-12-16

  • Camera switch on Android devices with Firefox

3.5.1 - 2022-10-13

  • Memoized props from first instance which holds reference to callback function from initialization on every capture

3.5.0 - 2022-10-10

  • Best candidate selection by sharpness

  • Dynamic candidate selection phase duration

  • Center face narrow side validator from 0.07 to 0.12

  • Minimal camera resolution check

  • Selection of best image in candidate selection phase entering

  • Hotspots validator with hotspotsMediumThreshold and number hotspotsHighThreshold

3.4.3 - 2022-09-28

  • Possible false candidate selection on first frame after entering candidate selection

3.4.2 - 2022-08-10

  • Typescript declaration files export

3.4.1 - 2022-08-09

  • Typescript declaration files export

  • Dependencies update and upgrade

3.3.1 - 2022-07-04

  • Zero height of component when error occurs

  • add appStateInstructions property to uiCustomisation

  • add option to change appState instructions text and visibility

  • interface for changing Loading appState instruction text

3.3.0 - 2022-06-03

  • Add support for capturing multiple face photos

  • Add custom event face-auto-capture with continue-detection instruction to continue detection

  • When photoTakenCb is called, component switches into waiting state

  • Parent of <x-dot-face-auto-capture /> does not have to have a defined height

3.2.0 - 2022-05-23

  • Add Countly analytics tracking

  • Add image parameters (brightness, sharpness, hotspot)

  • Session recording for face detection

  • onError callback returns AutoCaptureError

  • onError callback is required

  • Show error screen when error occurs

  • Stucked component when error occurs

3.1.2 - 2022-04-04

  • Remove force manual capture on instruction click

3.1.1 - 2022-03-15

  • Change optimalFaceSizeLimit and optimalFaceSizeParam to minFaceSizeRatio and maxFaceSizeRatio

  • Change faceCenterLimit to faceCenteringNarrowSide and faceCenteringWideSide

  • Set minFaceSizeRatio default value to 0.35 and maxFaceSizeRatio to 0.44

  • Set faceCenteringNarrowSide default value to 0.07 and faceCenteringWideSide to 0.21

3.1.0 - 2022-02-03

  • Unify loading and instruction design

3.0.2 - 2022-01-28

  • Add loading screen

  • Add loading.text property in uiCustomisation for configuring text on loading screen

  • Show new instruction only if 600ms elapsed since last instruction change

3.0.1 - 2022-01-25

  • file sam.wasm

  • safari version 15 on mac

  • Face detection accuracy improved.

  • Detection engine

  • blaze_models package

  • modelUrls option from cameraOptions

2.3.1 - 2022-01-10

  • Fix bug causing integration error

2.3.0 - 2022-01-05

  • add cameraSettings into photoTakenCb callBack function

  • Redesign of the UI of Face Auto Capture component.

  • photoTakenCb callBack function structure

2.2.2 - 2021-12-17

  • Incremental version upgrade

2.2.1 - 2021-12-09

  • Hide switch camera button if there is only 1 webcam available

2.2.0 - 2021-11-30

  • thresholds.faceConfidence - Detection confidence threshold with default value 0.12

  • modelUrls - Object with path to the models needed for detection

  • integrated new neural network for face detection

  • dynamic import of TensorFlow.js libraries

2.1.0 - 2021-11-18

  • First released version