DOT iOS Face library



DOT iOS Face as a part of the DOT iOS libraries family provides components for the digital onboarding process using the latest Innovatrics IFace image processing library. It wraps the core functionality of IFace library to a higher-level module which is easy to integrate into an iOS application.


DOT iOS Face has the following requirements:

  • Xcode 11.4+

  • iOS 11.0+

  • Swift or Objective-C

  • CocoaPods



DOT iOS Face is divided into core module and optional feature modules. This enables you to reduce the size of the library and include only modules that are actually used in your use case.

DOT iOS Face is divided into following modules:

  • dot-face-core (Required) - provides API for all the features and functionalities.

  • dot-face-detection (Optional) - enables the face detection feature.

  • dot-face-verification (Optional) - enables template extraction and verification feature.

  • dot-face-eye-gaze-liveness (Optional) - enables the eye gaze liveness feature.

  • dot-face-passive-liveness (Optional) - enables the passive liveness feature.

Each feature module can have other modules as their dependency and cannot be used without it, see the table below.

Table 1. Module dependencies











For example, if you want to use Eye Gaze Liveness you will have to use these three modules: dot-face-core(always required), dot-face-eye-gaze-liveness, dot-face-detection(required by dot-face-eye-gaze-liveness).


DOT iOS Face is distributed with Cocoapods as a set of XCFramework packages. Each module is distributed as a single XCFramework package, see the table below.

Table 2. XCFramework packages


Swift module

Module class






















In order to integrate DOT iOS Face into your project, the first step is to insert the following line of code on top of your Podfile.

source ''

Then, add the module(s) which you want to use to your Podfile. Dependencies of the specified module(s) will be added to the project automatically. Following Podfile shows how to use all modules:

source ''


target 'YOUR_TARGET' do

pod 'dot-face-verification'
pod 'dot-face-eye-gaze-liveness'
pod 'dot-face-passive-liveness'


Following Podfile shows how to use only dot-face-detection module:

source ''


target 'YOUR_TARGET' do

pod 'dot-face-detection'


If a CocoaPods problem with pod install occurs, try to clone the private pod repository manually.

pod repo remove innovatrics
pod repo add innovatrics

Supported Architectures

DOT iOS Face provides all supported architectures in the distributed XCFramework package. Device binary contains: arm64. Simulator binary contains: x86_64, arm64.


In order to use DOT iOS Face in other apps, it must be licensed. The license can be compiled into the application as it is bound to Bundle Identifier specified in the General tab in Xcode.

The license ID can be retrieved as follows – required only once for license generation:

import DotFaceCore

  print("LicenseId: " + DotFace.shared.licenseId)

In order to obtain the license, please contact your Innovatrics’ representative specifying the License ID.


Set the following permission in Info.plist:

	<string>Your usage description</string>

Basic Setup


Before using any of the DOT iOS Face components, you need to initialize it with the license and list of feature modules you want to use. Each module can be accessed by its singleton *Module class.

Following code snippet shows how to initialize DOT iOS Face with all feature modules. If you want to handle initialization and deinitialization events of DotFace class, you need to implement DotFaceDelegate.

import DotFaceCore
import DotFacePassiveLiveness
import DotFaceVerification
import DotFaceEyeGazeLiveness
import DotFaceDetection

if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "YOUR_LICENSE", withExtension: "lic") {
	do {
                let license = try Data(contentsOf: url)
                let configuration = DotFaceConfiguration(license: license,
                                                         modules: [
                DotFace.shared.initialize(configuration: configuration)
	} catch {

After you have successfully finished initialization, you can use all added features by importing only DotFaceCore Swift module in your source files. Keep in mind that if you try to use any feature which was not added during initialization DOT iOS Face will generate fatal error.

DOT Face Configuration

You can configure DotFace using DotFaceConfiguration class.

let configuration = try DotFaceConfiguration(license: license,
					   modules: modules,
                               		   faceDetectionConfidenceThreshold: 0.1)
Face Detection Confidence Threshold (faceDetectionConfidenceThreshold)

The interval of the confidence score is [0.0, 1.0] and the default value of the threshold is 0.06. Faces with a confidence score lower that this value are ignored.


When you have finished using the DOT iOS Face, it is usually a good practice to close it in order to free the memory. You can close DOT iOS Face only after the complete process is finished and not within the life cycle of individual components. This can be performed using the DotFace.shared.deinitialize() method. If you want to use the DOT iOS Face components again, you need to call DotFace.shared.initialize() again.

Following code snippet shows how to deinitialize DOT iOS Face:



DOT iOS Face supports logging using a global Logger class. You can set the log level as follows:

import DotFaceCore

Logger.logLevel = .debug

Log levels:

  • info

  • debug

  • warning

  • error

  • none

Each log message contains dot-face tag. Keep in mind that logging should be used just for debugging purposes.



DOT iOS Face provides both non-UI and UI components. Non-UI components are aimed to be used by developers who want to build their own UI using the DOT iOS Face functionality. UI components are build on top of non-UI components. Components having UI are available as UIViewController classes and can be embedded into the application’s existing UI or presented using the standard methods.

List of Non-UI Components


A component for performing face detection on an image, creating templates and evaluating face attributes.


A component for performing template matching.


A component for performing face matching.

List of UI Components


A visual component for capturing good quality face photos and creating templates suitable for matching.


A visual component for capturing face photos and creating templates suitable for matching without considering photo quality requirements.


A visual component which performs the liveness detection based on object tracking. An object is shown on the screen and the user is instructed to follow the movement of this object with her/his eyes.

Non-UI Components

Face Detector

The FaceDetector class provides the face detection functionality. Face detection stops when maximumFaces is reached. This component requires dot-face-detection module.

Create FaceDetector:

let faceDetector = FaceDetector()

To perform detection, call the following method on the background thread:

let detectedFaces = faceDetector.detect(faceImage: faceImage, maximumFaces: 10)

Template Matcher

In order to match face templates (1:1), use the TemplateMatcher class. The recommended approach is to create face templates using FaceDetector or Face Auto Capture component and use only templates for matching. This component requires dot-face-verification module.

Create TemplateMatcher:

let templateMatcher = TemplateMatcher()

To perform matching, call the following method on the background thread:

let result = try? matcher.match(referenceTemplate: referenceTemplate, probeTemplate: probeTemplate)

Face Matcher

In order to match face images (1:1), use the FaceMatcher class. It is also possible to match a face image against a template, which is a recommended approach if you already have an available reference template. This component requires dot-face-detection and dot-face-verification modules.

Create FaceMatcher:

let faceMatcher = FaceMatcher()

To perform matching, call one of the following methods on the background thread:

let result = try? faceMatcher.match(referenceFaceImage: referenceImage, probeFaceImage: probeImage)
let result = try? faceMatcher.match(referenceTemplate: referenceTemplate, probeFaceImage: probeImage)

UI Components

View Controller Configuration

Components containing UI are embedded into the application as view controllers. All view controllers can be embedded into your own view controller or presented directly. Each view controller can be configured using its *Configuration class and each view controller can have its appearance customized using its *Style class.

To present view controller:

let controller = FaceAutoCaptureViewController.create(configuration: .init(), style: .init())
controller.delegate = self
navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)

To embed view controller into your view controller:

override func viewDidLoad() {

    viewController.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    viewController.didMove(toParent: self)

        viewController.view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor),
        viewController.view.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leadingAnchor),
        viewController.view.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor),
        viewController.view.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor)
Safe Area

DOT iOS Face view controllers ignore safe area layout guide when they layout their subviews. Therefore, for example if you push DOT iOS Face view controller using UINavigationController, you will get incorrect layout. If you want to respect safe area layout guide, you should embed DOT iOS Face view controller in a container view controller and setup the layout constraints accordingly.

Face Auto Capture

The view controller with instructions for obtaining quality face images suitable for matching. This component requires dot-face-detection module.

The following properties are available in FaceAutoCaptureConfiguration:

  • (Optional) [CameraFacing.front] cameraFacing: CameraFacing – Camera facing

    • CameraFacing.front

    • CameraFacing.back

  • (Optional) [] cameraPreviewScaleType: CameraPreviewScaleType – The camera preview scale type


  • (Optional) [0.10] minFaceSizeRatio: Double – The minimum ratio of the face size to the width of the shorter side of the image

  • (Optional) [0.30] maxFaceSizeRatio: Double – The maximum ratio of the face size to the width of the shorter side of the image

  • (Optional) [false] isCheckAnimationEnabled: Bool – Shows a checkmark animation after enrollment

  • (Optional) qualityAttributes: Set<QualityAttribute> – Provide the required quality attributes of the output image

The following properties are available in FaceAutoCaptureStyle:

  • (Optional) [UIColor.white] backgroundColor: UIColor - Background color of top level view.

  • (Optional) [UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 0.8)] backgroundOverlayColor: UIColor - Background color of overlay view.

  • (Optional) [UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)] circleOutlineColor: UIColor - Color of circle in overlay view.

  • (Optional) [UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 0.5)] trackingCircleColor: UIColor - Tracking circle color.

  • (Optional) [UIColor(red: 0.53, green: 0.71, blue: 0.38, alpha: 1.0)] progressValidColor: UIColor - Overlay circle color for finished state.

  • (Optional) [UIColor(red: 0.93, green: 0.52, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0)] progressIntermediateColor: UIColor - Overlay circle color for almost fulfilled state.

  • (Optional) [UIColor(red: 0.86, green: 0.26, blue: 0.20, alpha: 1.0)] progressInvalidColor: UIColor - Overlay circle color for not fulfilled state.

  • (Optional) [UIColor(red: 0.53, green: 0.71, blue: 0.38, alpha: 1.0)] tickColor: UIColor - Animated tick color.

  • (Optional) [UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)] hintFont: UIFont - Hint label font.

  • (Optional) [] hintTextColor: UIColor - Hint label text color.

  • (Optional) [UIColor.white] hintBackgroundColor: UIColor - Hint view background color.

If a face present in an image has a face size out of the minimum or maximum face size interval, it won’t be detected. Please note that a wider face size interval results in a lower performance (detection FPS).

You can handle the FaceAutoCaptureViewController events using its delegate FaceAutoCaptureViewControllerDelegate.

@objc(DOTFaceAutoCaptureViewControllerDelegate) public protocol FaceAutoCaptureViewControllerDelegate: AnyObject {

    @objc optional func faceAutoCaptureViewControllerViewDidLoad(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceAutoCaptureViewControllerViewDidLayoutSubviews(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceAutoCaptureViewControllerViewWillAppear(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceAutoCaptureViewControllerViewDidAppear(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceAutoCaptureViewControllerViewWillDisappear(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceAutoCaptureViewControllerViewDidDisappear(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceAutoCaptureViewControllerViewWillTransition(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController)

    /// Tells the delegate that you have no permission for camera usage.
    @objc optional func faceAutoCaptureViewControllerNoCameraPermission(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController)

    /// Tells the delegate that the capture step has changed.
    @objc func faceAutoCaptureViewController(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController, stepChanged captureStepId: CaptureStepId, with detectedFace: DetectedFace?)

    /// Tells the delegate that the face was captured.
    @objc func faceAutoCaptureViewController(_ viewController: FaceAutoCaptureViewController, captured detectedFace: DetectedFace)

CaptureStepId events are emitted when the user enters each step.

  • presence

  • position

  • proximity

  • glassStatus

  • backgroundUniformity

  • pitchAngle

  • yawAngle

  • eyeStatus

  • mouthStatus

  • light

Quality Attributes of the Output Image

You may adjust quality requirements for the output image. To perform this, you can use various QualityProvider implementations with recommended values and pass this configuration via FaceAutoCaptureConfiguration by setting the qualityAttributes. You can also provide your own implementations according to your needs.

For example, if you wish to capture an image suitable for matching but you also want to make sure a user doesn’t wear glasses, you can use the following implementation:

let registry = DefaultQualityAttributeRegistry()
let provider = MatchingQualityProvider()
var customSet = provider.getQualityAttributes()
customSet.insert(registry.findBy(qualityAttributeId: .glassStatus))
let configuration = try! FaceAutoCaptureConfiguration(qualityAttributes: customSet)
let controller = FaceAutoCaptureViewController.create(configuration: configuration, style: .init())
controller.delegate = self
navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)

See DefaultQualityAttributeRegistry for default values and all available quality attributes.

Available quality providers:

  • MatchingQualityProvider – The resulting image suitable for matching.

  • PassiveLivenessQualityProvider – The resulting image suitable for evaluation of the passive liveness.

  • IcaoQualityProvider – The resulting image passing ICAO checks.

Face Simple Capture

The view controller for obtaining images for matching without considering any photo quality requirements. This component requires dot-face-detection module.

The following properties are available in FaceSimpleCaptureConfiguration:

  • (Optional) [CameraFacing.front] cameraFacing: CameraFacing – Camera facing

    • CameraFacing.front

    • CameraFacing.back

  • (Optional) [] cameraPreviewScaleType: CameraPreviewScaleType – The camera preview scale type


  • (Optional) [0.10] minFaceSizeRatio: Double – The minimum ratio of the face size to the width of the shorter side of the image

  • (Optional) [0.30] maxFaceSizeRatio: Double – The maximum ratio of the face size to the width of the shorter side of the image

The following properties are available in FaceSimpleCaptureStyle:

  • (Optional) [UIColor.white] backgroundColor: UIColor - Background color of top level view.

  • (Optional) [UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 0.5)] trackingCircleColor: UIColor - Tracking circle color.

If a face present in an image has a face size out of the minimum or maximum face size interval, it won’t be detected. Please note that a wider minimum or maximum face size interval results in a lower performance (detection FPS).

You can handle the FaceSimpleCaptureViewController events using its delegate FaceSimpleCaptureViewControllerDelegate.

@objc(DOTFaceSimpleCaptureViewControllerDelegate) public protocol FaceSimpleCaptureViewControllerDelegate: AnyObject {

    @objc optional func faceSimpleCaptureViewControllerViewDidLoad(_ viewController: FaceSimpleCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceSimpleCaptureViewControllerViewDidLayoutSubviews(_ viewController: FaceSimpleCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceSimpleCaptureViewControllerViewWillAppear(_ viewController: FaceSimpleCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceSimpleCaptureViewControllerViewDidAppear(_ viewController: FaceSimpleCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceSimpleCaptureViewControllerViewWillDisappear(_ viewController: FaceSimpleCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceSimpleCaptureViewControllerViewDidDisappear(_ viewController: FaceSimpleCaptureViewController)
    @objc optional func faceSimpleCaptureViewControllerViewWillTransition(_ viewController: FaceSimpleCaptureViewController)

    /// Tells the delegate that you have no permission for camera usage.
    @objc optional func faceSimpleCaptureViewControllerNoCameraPermission(_ viewController: FaceSimpleCaptureViewController)

    /// Tells the delegate that the face was captured.
    @objc func faceSimpleCaptureViewController(_ viewController: FaceSimpleCaptureViewController, captured detectedFace: DetectedFace)

You need to call requestCapture() method in order to request a capture.

Eye Gaze Liveness

The view controller with a moving or fading object on the screen. This component requires dot-face-detection and dot-face-eye-gaze-liveness modules.

The following properties are available in EyeGazeLivenessConfiguration:

  • (Required) [-] segments: [Segment] – Array of segments for the object animation

  • (Optional) [0.10] minFaceSizeRatio: Double – The minimum ratio of the face size to the width of the shorter side of the image

  • (Optional) [0.30] maxFaceSizeRatio: Double – The maximum ratio of the face size to the width of the shorter side of the image

  • (Optional) [0.5] proximityTolerance: Double – The tolerance of the face size ratio (The tolerance of the distance between the face and the camera). A value greater than 1.0 disables the proximity check

  • (Optional) [4] minValidSegmentCount: Int – The minimum number of valid captured segments. The value can be within the interval [4, 7].

  • (Optional) [TransitionType.move] transitionType: TransitionType – The transition type used for the liveness detection object animation

    • TransitionType.move

    • TransitionType.fade

  • (Optional) [-] objectImage: UIImage? – The moving object image.

  • (Optional) [CGSize(width: 50, height: 50)] objectImageSize: CGSize – Size of the moving object.

The following properties are available in EyeGazeLivenessStyle:

  • (Optional) [UIColor.white] backgroundColor: UIColor - Background color of top level view.

  • (Optional) [] objectColor: UIColor - Moving object color.

  • (Optional) [UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)] hintFont: UIFont - Hint label font.

  • (Optional) [] hintTextColor: UIColor - Hint label text color.

  • (Optional) [UIColor(red: 0.9, green: 0.9, blue: 0.9, alpha: 1.0)] hintBackgroundColor: UIColor - Hint view background color.

You can customize the color of the default objectImage or you can replace the default objectImage with custom image.

To start the liveness detection process, call start() method.

You can handle the EyeGazeLivenessViewController events using its delegate EyeGazeLivenessViewControllerDelegate.

@objc(DOTEyeGazeLivenessViewControllerDelegate) public protocol EyeGazeLivenessViewControllerDelegate: AnyObject {

    @objc optional func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerViewDidLoad(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)
    @objc optional func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerViewDidLayoutSubviews(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)
    @objc optional func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerViewWillAppear(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)
    @objc optional func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerViewDidAppear(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)
    @objc optional func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerViewWillDisappear(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)
    @objc optional func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerViewDidDisappear(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)
    @objc optional func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerViewWillTransition(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)

    /// Tells the delegate that you have no permission for camera usage.
    @objc optional func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerNoCameraPermission(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)

    /// Tells the delegate that the eye gaze liveness state has changed.
    @objc func eyeGazeLivenessViewController(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController, stateChanged state: EyeGazeLivenessState)

    /// Tells the delegate that eye gaze liveness has finished with score and captured segments.
    @objc func eyeGazeLivenessViewController(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController, finished score: Float, with segmentImages: [SegmentImage])

    /// Tells the delegate that eye gaze liveness cannot continue because there are no segments left.
    @objc func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerNoMoreSegments(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)

    /// Tells the delegate that eye gaze liveness failed, because no eyes were detected.
    @objc func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerEyesNotDetected(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)

    /// Tells the delegate that face tracking has failed.
    @objc func eyeGazeLivenessViewControllerFaceTrackingFailed(_ viewController: EyeGazeLivenessViewController)

The liveness detection follows segments: [Segment] and renders an object in the specified corners of the screen. For the best accuracy it is recommended to display the object in at least three different corners.

If the user’s eyes can’t be detected in the first segment, the process will be terminated with the eyeGazeLivenessEyesNotDetected(_:) callback.

The process is automatically finished when the number of valid items in segmentImages: [SegmentImage] reaches minValidSegmentCount. After that, eyeGazeLiveness(_:finished:with:) callback is called and the score can be evaluated.

The process fails with the eyeGazeLivenessNoMoreSegments(_:) callback when all the segments in segments: [Segment] were displayed but it wasn’t possible to collect a number of valid images specified in minValidSegmentCount. You can use segmentImages: [SegmentImage] items for matching purposes, even when the eyes weren’t detected in a segment.

For a better user experience, it is recommended to provide the user more attempts, so the size of segments: [Segment] should be greater than minValidSegmentCount. However, this should be limited, as it is better to terminate the process if the user is failing in many segments. The recommended way of segment generation is to use a RandomSegmentsGenerator:

let generator = RandomSegmentsGenerator()
let segmentCount = 8
let segmentDurationMillis = 1000
let segments = generator.generate(segmentCount: segmentCount, segmentDurationMillis: segmentDurationMillis)

If you want to perform a server side validation of the liveness detection, please follow this recommended approach:

The object movement is generated on your server and then rendered on the device using segments: [Segment]. When the process is finished successfully, the segmentImages: [SegmentImage] is transferred to the server to evaluate the liveness detection. Please note that segments: [Segment] is no longer transferred and you should store it in the session of the server. You can evaluate the liveness detection by combining the corresponding segmentImages: [SegmentImage] with segments: [Segment] and sending the request to DOT Core Server. If the user could finish the process without using all segments, the remaining items of segments: [Segment] should be dropped to match the number of items in segmentImages: [SegmentImage].

Customization of UI Components


String resources can be overridden in your application and alternative strings for supported languages can be provided following these two steps:

  1. Add your own Localizable.strings file to your project using standard iOS localization mechanism. To change a specific text override corresponding key in this Localizable.strings file.

  2. Set the localization bundle to the bundle of your application (preferably during the application launch in your AppDelegate).

Use this setup if you want to use standard iOS localization mechanism, which means your iOS application uses system defined locale.

import DotFaceCore

Localization.bundle = .main
Custom Localization

You can override standard iOS localization mechanism by providing your own translation dictionary and setting the Localization.useLocalizationDictionary flag to true. Use this setup if you do not want to use standard iOS localization mechanism, which means your iOS application ignores system defined locale and uses its own custom locale.

import DotFaceCore

guard let localizableUrl = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Localizable", withExtension: "strings", subdirectory: nil, localization: "de"),
      let dictionary = NSDictionary(contentsOf: localizableUrl) as? [String: String]
else { return }

Localization.useLocalizationDictionary = true
Localization.localizationDictionary = dictionary
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.face_centering" = "Center your face";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.face_too_close" = "Move back";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.face_too_far" = "Move closer";
"" = "Turn towards light";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.glasses_present" = "Remove glasses";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.background_nonuniform" = "Plain background required";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.pitch_too_high" = "Lower your chin";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.pitch_too_low" = "Lift your chin";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.yaw_too_right" = "Look left";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.yaw_too_left" = "Look right";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.eye_status_low" = "Open your eyes";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.mouth_status_low" = "Close your mouth";
"dot.face_auto_capture.instruction.capturing" = "Stay still!";

"dot.eye_gaze_liveness.instruction.watch_object" = "Watch the object";
"" = "Turn towards light";
"dot.eye_gaze_liveness.instruction.face_not_present" = "Look straight";
"dot.eye_gaze_liveness.instruction.face_too_close" = "Move back";
"dot.eye_gaze_liveness.instruction.face_too_far" = "Move closer";

Common Classes


Class which represents a size of an image. To create an instance:

let imageSize = ImageSize(width: 100, height: 100)


Class which represents an image.

To create an instance from CGImage:

let bgrRawImage = BgrRawImageFactory.create(cgImage: cgImage)

To create CGImage from BgrRawImage:

let cgImage = CGImageFactory.create(bgrRawImage: bgrRawImage)


Class which represents a face image and can be used for face detection and matching. To create an instance:

let faceImage = FaceImage(image: bgrRawImage)
let faceImage = try? FaceImage(image: bgrRawImage, minFaceSizeRatio: 0.05, maxFaceSizeRatio: 0.3)


This class represents the face detection result. The following properties and methods are available:

  • image: BgrRawImage – Get a full (original) image of the face.

  • confidence: Double - The confidence score of the face detection. It also represents the quality of the detected face.

  • createFullFrontalImage() → BgrRawImage - Creates a ICAO full frontal image of a face. If boundaries of the normalized image leak outside of the original image, a white background is applied.

  • createTemplate() throws → Template - The face template which can be used for matching. This method requires dot-face-verification module.

  • evaluateFaceAspects() throws → FaceAspects - Evaluates face aspects.

  • evaluateFaceQuality() throws → FaceQuality - Evaluates face attributes that can be used for a detailed face quality assessment.

  • evaluateFaceQuality(faceQualityQuery: FaceQualityQuery) throws → FaceQuality - Evaluates only specific face attributes that can be used for a detailed face quality assessment. This is the recommended way for face quality evaluation due to performance reasons.

  • evaluatePassiveLiveness() throws → FaceAttribute - Evaluates passive liveness. This method requires dot-face-passive-liveness module.



4.0.0 - 2021-09-28

  • DotFaceDetection module and DotFaceDetectionModule class

  • DotFaceVerification module and DotFaceVerificationModule class

  • DotFacePassiveLiveness module and DotFacePassiveLivenessModule class

  • DotFaceEyeGazeLiveness module and DotFaceEyeGazeLivenessModule class

  • Logger class to improve logging mechanism

  • DotFaceDelegate to handle DotFace events.

  • DotFaceConfiguration to wrap all configuration options of DotFace into single object.

  • BgrRawImage to represent image suitable for biometric operations

  • BgrRawImageConverter and CGImageConverter to convert between CGImage and BgrRawImage

  • protocol SegmentsGenerator and class RandomSegmentsGenerator

  • FaceQuality and FaceQualityQuery

  • FaceImageQuality and FaceImageQualityQuery

  • HeadPose and HeadPoseQuery

  • HeadPoseAttribute

  • Wearables and WearablesQuery

  • Glasses

  • Expression and ExpressionQuery

  • EyesExpression and EyesExpressionQuery

  • FaceAttribute

  • FaceAspects

  • minimal required iOS version to iOS 11.0

  • DOT iOS Face is split into multiple iOS libraries, see sections Distribution and Initialization in the integration manual

  • renamed module name DOT to DotFaceCore

  • renamed DOTHandler to DotFace

  • DotFace to singleton

  • DotFaceHandler.initialize(with license: License? = nil, faceDetectionConfidenceThreshold: Int = 600) to .initialize(configuration: DotFaceConfiguration)

  • localization keys

  • renamed DotFaceLocalization to Localization

  • component "Liveness Detection" to "Eye Gaze Liveness" and all related API

  • component "Face Capture" to "Face Auto Capture" and all related API

  • component "Face Capture Simple" to "Face Simple Capture" and all related API

  • FaceImageVerifier to FaceMatcher

  • TemplateVerifer to TemplateMatcher

  • matching scores, face confidence, face attribute scores and attribute quality values are in interval [0.0, 1.0]

  • FaceImage now uses BgrRawImage

  • DetectedFace now uses BgrRawImage

  • renamed QualityAttributeConfiguration to QualityAttribute

  • renamed DOTRange to ValueRange

  • renamed QualityAttributeConfigurationProvider to DefaultQualityAttributeRegistry

  • renamed VerificationQualityProvider to MatchingQualityProvider

  • renamed DOTSegment to Segment

  • renamed DotPosition to Corner

  • default value of FaceAutoCaptureConfiguration.isCheckAnimationEnabled to false

  • component "Liveness Detection 2" and all related API

  • DOTHandler.authorizeCamera() use native API instead

  • DOTHandler.logLevel use Logger.logLevel instead

  • License use native Data type to represent license file

  • DOTCamera and all related API, camera can be configured using "Configuration" classes of UI components

  • Face all API was moved to DetectedFace

  • CaptureCandidate use DetectedFace instead

  • FaceAttributeScore

  • IcaoAttribute and IcaoRangeStatus

3.8.2 - 2021-07-23

  • fixed issue with active liveness making it more seamless

3.8.1 - 2021-06-24

  • support for interface orientation portraitUpsideDown to all UI components

3.8.0 - 2021-06-17

  • updated IFace to 4.10.0 - improved background uniformity algorithm

  • FaceAttributeId.yaw, .roll, .pitch use .yawAngle, .rollAngle, .pitchAngle instead

3.7.1 - 2021-05-10

  • updated IFace to 4.9.1 - minor issue

  • updated glass status range in QualityAttributeConfigurationRegistry

3.7.0 - 2021-05-03

  • updated IFace to 4.9.0 - improved glass status evaluation

3.6.0 - 2021-04-13

  • updated IFace to 4.8.0 - improved Passive Liveness algorithm

3.5.1 - 2021-03-19

  • FaceCaptureStyle.hintTextColor and .hintBackgroundColor

  • renamed style properties to be consistent across all UI components

  • added 'Color' suffix to name of style properties which represent UIColor

3.5.0 - 2021-03-17

  • DotFaceLocalization class to improve localization mechanism

  • CaptureCandidate.init() to initialize with DetectedFace

  • public access to CaptureCandidate.detectedFace

  • updated IFace to 4.4.0

  • renamed Attribute to FaceAttributeId

  • renamed Feature to FaceFeature

  • range of eyeStatus in QualityAttributeConfigurationRegistry

  • removed DOTHandler.localizationBundle use DotFaceLocalization.bundle instead

  • liveness localization keys

  • CaptureState.yawStep and .pitchStep to .yawAngleStep and .pitchAngleStep

  • QualityAttribute.yaw and .pitch to .yawAngle and .pitchAngle

  • ICAO attributes now have yawAngle, pitchAngle and rollAngle instead of yaw, pitch and roll

3.4.2 - 2020-12-16

  • support for iOS Simulator arm64 architecture

3.4.1 - 2020-11-25

  • FaceCaptureController user interface issues

3.4.0 - 2020-09-03

  • updated IFace to 3.13.1

  • CaptureCandidate.glassStatusDependenciesFulfilled to CaptureCandidate.glassStatusConditionFulfilled

  • CaptureCandidate.passiveLivenessDependenciesFulfilled to CaptureCandidate.passiveLivenessConditionFulfilled

  • removed Face.attributeIsDependencyFulfilled, added Face.evaluateAttributeCondition

3.3.1 - 2020-08-18

  • FaceCaptureController layout warnings

3.3.0 - 2020-08-14

  • Make sure all background tasks are stopped when LivenessCheckController.stopLivenessCheck() is called

3.2.2 - 2020-08-11

  • improved interface of DOTCamera

3.2.1 - 2020-08-06

  • crash in DOTImage if CGImage is nil

  • init DOTImage with CGimage instead of UIImage

  • updated eye status QualityAttributeConfiguration ranges

3.2.0 - 2020-07-30

  • on screen messages during face capture remain shown longer to minimize instruction flickering

  • changed ranges of QualityAttributeConfigurationRegistry

  • removed detected face indicator after face capture finished

3.1.0 - 2020-07-10

  • DOTRange

  • QualityAttribute

  • QualityAttributeConfiguration

  • QualityAttributeConfigurationRegistry

  • QualityAttributePreset

  • VerificationQualityProvider

  • ICAOQualityProvider

  • PassiveLivenessQualityProvider

  • removed useAlternativeInstructions, requestFullImage, requestCropImage, requestTemplate, lightScoreThreshold from FaceCaptureConfiguration

  • added qualityAttributeConfigurations: Set<QualityAttributeConfiguration> to FaceCaptureConfiguration

  • added static func validate(configuration: FaceCaptureConfiguration) to FaceCaptureConfiguration

  • removed requestFullImage, requestCropImage, requestTemplate from FaceCaptureSimpleConfiguration

  • changed func faceCapture(_ controller: FaceCaptureController, stateChanged state: FaceCaptureState) to func faceCapture(_ controller: FaceCaptureController, stateChanged state: CaptureState, withImage image: DOTImage?) in FaceCaptureControllerDelegate

  • changed func livenessCheck2(_ controller: LivenessCheck2Controller, captureStateChanged captureState: FaceCaptureState, withImage image: DOTImage?) to func livenessCheck2(_ controller: LivenessCheck2Controller, stateChanged state: CaptureState, withImage image: DOTImage?) in LivenessCheck2ControllerDelegate

3.0.1 - 2020-07-02

  • draw circle around face during face capture

  • face capture hint label not updating correctly

3.0.0 - 2020-06-15

  • Update IFace to 3.10.0

  • FaceCaptureControllerDelegate returns CaptureCandidate instead of FaceCaptureImage

  • FaceCaptureSimpleControllerDelegate returns CaptureCandidate instead of FaceCaptureImage