DOT Android Document library



DOT Android Document provides components for document capture and related functionalities which are easy to integrate into an Android application.


DOT Android Document has the following requirements:

  • Minimum Android API level 21

  • Minimum Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.6.0 (if used)


Maven Repository

DOT Android Document is distributed as an Android library (.aar package) stored in the Innovatrics maven repository.

In order to integrate DOT Android Document into your project, the first step is to include the Innovatrics maven repository and Google repository to your top level build.gradle file.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

Then, specify the dependency on DOT Android Document library in the module’s build.gradle file. Dependencies of this library will be downloaded alongside the library.

dependencies {
    implementation "$dotVersion"

In order to optimize application size, we also recommend adding the following excludes to your application’s build.gradle file.

android {
    packagingOptions {

Supported Architectures

DOT Android Document provides binaries for these architectures:

  • armeabi-v7a

  • arm64-v8a

  • x86

  • x86_64

If your target application format is APK and not Android App Bundle, and the APK splits are not specified, the generated APK file will contain binaries for all available architectures. Therefore we recommend to use APK splits. For example, to generate arm64-v8a APK, add the following section into your module build.gradle:

splits {
    abi {
        enable true
        include 'arm64-v8a'
        universalApk false

If you do not specify this section, the resulting application can become too large in size.


In order to use DOT SDK in other apps, it must be licensed. The license can be compiled into the application as it is bound to the application ID specified in build.gradle:

defaultConfig {
    applicationId ""

The application ID can be also retrieved in runtime by calling DotSdk.getApplicationId().

In order to obtain the license, please contact your Innovatrics’ representative specifying the application ID. If the application uses build flavors with different application IDs, each flavor must contain a separate license. Put the license file into the raw resource folder.


DOT Android Document declares the following permission in AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

Basic Setup


Before using any of the components, you need to initialize DOT SDK with the license and DotDocumentLibrary object.

InitializeDotSdkUseCase class in the Samples project shows how to initialize DOT SDK with DotDocumentLibrary. DotSdk.initialize() method should be called on background thread.

Keep in mind that if you try to use any component without initialization, it will throw an exception. Also be aware that while the app is in background, the system may kill the process to free resources. In such a case, you need to reinitialize the SDK when the app is brought back to the foreground. We recommend to check the SDK initialization status (using DotSdk.isInitialized() method) in your Fragment’s onViewCreated(). This technique is implemented in the Samples project.


When a process (e.g. onboarding) using the DOT Android Document has been completed, it is usually a good practice to free the resources used by it.

You can perform this by calling DotSdk.deinitialize(). If you want to use the DOT Android Document components again after that point, you need to call DotSdk.initialize() again. This shouldn’t be performed within the lifecycle of individual Android components.


Although logging is disabled by default, it can be enabled explicitly by using the following method from the class.


The appropriate place for this call is within the onCreate() method of your subclass of Each TAG of a log message starts with the prefix dot-document:.

This setting enables logging for all DOT Android libraries.
Keep in mind that logging should be used just for debug purposes as it might produce a lot of log messages.



DOT Android Document provides both non-UI and UI components. Non-UI components are aimed to be used by developers who want to build their own UI using the DOT Android Document functionality. UI components are build on top of non-UI components. These are available as abstract fragments and can be extended and then embedded into the application’s existing activity providing more control.

List of Non-UI Components


A component for performing document detection on an image.


A component for computing image parameters such as sharpness, brightness or hotspots score.


A component for perspective warping an image according detected document position.


A component for capturing good quality images suitable for optical character recognition.


A component for reading Machine Readable Zone (MRZ).

List of UI Components


A visual component for capturing good quality images suitable for optical character recognition.

Non-UI Components

Document Detector

The DocumentDetector interface provides a document detection functionality.

Create a DocumentDetector:

val documentDetector = DocumentDetectorFactory.create()

To perform detection, call the following method on the background thread:

val document = documentDetector.detect(bgraRawImage)

Image Parameters Analyzer

The ImageParametersAnalyzer interface provides an image parameters analysis functionality.

Create ImageParametersAnalyzer:

val imageParametersAnalyzer = ImageParametersAnalyzerFactory.create()

To perform analysis, call the following method on the background thread:

val imageParameters = imageParametersAnalyzer.analyze(bgraRawImage)

Image Perspective Warper

The ImagePerspectiveWarper interface provides perspective warping functionality.

Create ImagePerspectiveWarper:

val imagePerspectiveWarper = ImagePerspectiveWarperFactory.create()

To perform perspective warping, call the following method on the background thread:

val warpedBgraRawImage = imagePerspectiveWarper.warp(bgraRawImage, detectionPosition, targetImageSize)

Document Auto Capture Controller

The DocumentAutoCaptureController interface provides a stateful document auto capture functionality.

Create DocumentAutoCaptureController:

val configuration = DocumentAutoCaptureController.Configuration(
    context = context,
    validators = validators,
val documentAutoCaptureController = DocumentAutoCaptureControllerFactory.create(configuration)

You can use detectionNormalizedRectangle to specify the region in the input image which will be used for document detection. For example, if you want to ignore top 30% and bottom 30% of the input image, you can do it as follows:

val configuration = DocumentAutoCaptureController.Configuration(
    context = context,
    validators = validators,
    detectionNormalizedRectangle = RectangleDouble(0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.7),

If detectionNormalizedRectangle is not specified, the source input image is used for document detection.

To capture a good quality document image, repeatedly call the process() method using the camera frames:

val processingResult = documentAutoCaptureController.process(bgraRawImage, timestampMillis)

The controller evaluates the image requirements for each frame. Once there are minValidFramesInRowToStartCandidateSelection valid frames in a row, candidate selection is started with duration of candidateSelectionDurationMillis milliseconds. After the candidate selection is finished, the best document image candidate is returned and the document auto capture process is over.

Machine Readable Zone Reader

The MrzReader interface provides a Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) reading functionality.

Create MrzReader:

val configuration = MrzReader.Configuration(context)
val mrzReader = MrzReaderFactory.create(configuration)

To read a MRZ, call the following method on the background thread:

val result =, document)

Or, alternatively if you know the travel document type call this method in order to increase precision of reading:

val result =, document, travelDocumentType)

Argument document is a product of either Document Detector component, Document Auto Capture Controller component or Document Auto Capture UI component.

The result of successful MRZ reading contains travel document type and machine readable zone. If MRZ reading was not successful, the result will contain an exception and travelDocumentType and/or machineReadableZone may be null.

UI Components

Fragment Configuration

Components containing UI are embedded into the application as fragments from Android Support Library. All fragments are abstract. They must be subclassed and override their abstract methods.

Fragments requiring runtime interaction provide public methods, for example start().

class DemoDocumentAutoCaptureFragment : DocumentAutoCaptureFragment() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


The DocumentAutoCaptureFragment requires a configuration. To provide configuration data, you should override the provideConfiguration() method in your subclass implementation. This method should return an instance of the DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.Configuration data class with the desired parameters.

class DemoDocumentAutoCaptureFragment : DocumentAutoCaptureFragment() {

    override fun provideConfiguration() = Configuration(
        cameraFacing = CameraFacing.BACK,
        cameraPreviewScaleType = CameraPreviewScaleType.FIT,


Camera permission

A fragment (UI component) will check the camera permission (Manifest.permission.CAMERA) right before the camera is started. If the camera permission is granted the fragment will start the camera. If the camera permission is not granted the fragment will use Android API - ActivityResultContracts.RequestPermission to request the camera permission. Android OS will present the system dialog to the user of the app. If the user explicitly denies the permission at this point, onNoCameraPermission() callback is called. Implement this callback in order to navigate the user further in your app workflow.

Orientation Change

In order to handle the orientation change in multi-window mode correctly, configure the activity in your AndroidManifest.xml file as follows:

    android:configChanges="screenSize|smallestScreenSize|screenLayout|orientation" />

Document Auto Capture

The fragment with instructions for obtaining quality document images suitable for further processing.

In order to configure the behaviour of DocumentAutoCaptureFragment, use DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.Configuration (see Fragment Configuration).

To use the fragment, create a subclass of DocumentAutoCaptureFragment and override appropriate callbacks.

To start the document auto capture process call the start() method. You can start the process any time.

In case you want to handle detection data, implement onProcessed() callback. This callback is called with each processed camera frame. When the document auto capture process finishes successfully, the result will be returned via the onCaptured() callback.

In case you want to force the capture event, call the requestCapture() method. The most recent image will be returned via the onCaptured() callback asynchronously.

Call start() method again in case you need to start over the document auto capture process (e.g. you want to capture both sides of the document, one after another). You can also call start() method to stop and start over ongoing process as well.

In case you want to stop the document auto capture process prematurely, call the stopAsync() method. The callback in the method argument indicates that the processing is over.

Quality Attributes of the Output Image

You may adjust quality requirements for the output image. To perform this, you can use pre-defined instances - QualityAttributeThresholds - from QualityAttributeThresholdPresets with recommended thresholds and pass it to DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.Configuration by setting the qualityAttributeThresholds. You can also create your own instance of QualityAttributeThresholds from scratch or based on pre-defined instances according to your needs.

Possible ways how to create QualityAttributeThresholds:

// The standard preset
val standard = QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standard

// Modified thresholds based on the standard preset
val modified = standard.copy(
    minConfidence = minConfidence,
    minSharpness = null,

// Custom thresholds
val custom = QualityAttributeThresholds(
    minConfidence = minConfidence,
    minSharpness = null,

Available presets (pre-defined instances with thresholds) in QualityAttributeThresholdPresets:

  • standard - The resulting image suitable for evaluation on Digital Identity Service. See the thresholds.

Customization of UI components


You can override the string resources in your application and provide alternative strings for supported languages using the standard Android localization mechanism.

<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_brightness_too_high">Less light needed</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_brightness_too_low">More light needed</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_candidate_selection">Hold still…</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_does_not_fit_placeholder">Center document</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_not_detected">Scan document</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_out_of_bounds">Center document</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_hotspots_score_too_high">Avoid reflections</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_mrz_not_present">Scan valid machine readable document</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_mrz_not_valid">Scan valid machine readable document</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_sharpness_too_low">More light needed</string>
<string name="dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_size_too_small">Move closer</string>

You may customize the colors used by DOT Android Document in your application. To use custom colors, override the specific color.

<color name="dot_detection_layer">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="dot_instruction_background">#fff8fbfb</color>
<color name="dot_instruction_candidate_selection_background">#ff00bfb2</color>
<color name="dot_instruction_candidate_selection_text">#ff131313</color>
<color name="dot_instruction_text">#ff131313</color>
<color name="dot_placeholder">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="dot_placeholder_candidate_selection">#ff00bfb2</color>
<color name="dot_placeholder_overlay">#80131313</color>

Text views and buttons can be styled by overriding the parent style in the application.

<style name="TextAppearance.Dot.Medium" parent="TextAppearance.AppCompat.Medium" />
<style name="TextAppearance.Dot.Medium.Instruction" />

Common Classes


DTO which represents a size of an image. To create an instance:

val imageSize = ImageSize(width, height)


DTO which represents and an image. To create an instance:

val bgraRawImage = BgraRawImage(size, bytes)

To create an instance from Bitmap:

val bgraRawImage = BgraRawImageFactory.create(bitmap)


DTO which represents a position of a detected document. To create an instance:

val detectionPosition = DetectionPosition(topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft)

Security guidelines

Our video injection prevention feature relies heavily on following established security best practices as outlined in the Android Developer website’s Security guidelines. Specifically, the App Integrity and Networking sections provide crucial foundations for this functionality. The Play Integrity API ensures your app binary remains unaltered, preventing potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited for video injection. Networking Security guidelines help secure communication channels. These guidelines help prevent unauthorized modification of data streams. By adhering to these security principles, you create a robust environment where our video injection prevention features can function optimally, safeguarding you from tampered content.

OWASP Mobile Application Security

We also strongly recommend following the OWASP Mobile Application Security guidelines. The OWASP Mobile Application Security (MAS) flagship project provides a security standard for mobile apps (OWASP MASVS) and a comprehensive testing guide (OWASP MASTG) that covers the processes, techniques, and tools used during a mobile app security test, as well as an exhaustive set of test cases that enables testers to deliver consistent and complete results.



8.5.2 - 2024-10-30

  • MRZ parsing issue.

8.5.1 - 2024-10-28

  • Stability issue in UI components.

8.5.0 - 2024-10-24

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParameters.detectionAreaImageSize.

  • Detection normalized rectangle was not calculated correctly in specific scenarios within the Document Auto Capture UI component.

8.4.0 - 2024-09-11

  • Technical release. No changes.

8.3.3 - 2024-09-05

  • Technical release. No changes.

8.3.2 - 2024-09-05

  • Technical release. No changes.

8.3.1 - 2024-08-16

  • Stability issue in UI components.

8.3.0 - 2024-08-08

  • Technical release. No changes.

8.2.0 - 2024-07-30

  • Class MrzReader.ReadingException.

  • Class MrzReader.Result.

8.1.0 - 2024-07-08

  • Document detection is improved (UI Document Auto Capture, Document Auto Capture Controller, Document Detector).

  • Sharpness calculation is improved (UI Document Auto Capture, Document Auto Capture Controller, Image Parameters Analyzer).

8.0.0 - 2024-06-27

  • Class CheckDigit.

  • Class ElementWithChecksum to ElementWithCheckDigit.

  • Class DateElementWithChecksum to DateElementWithCheckDigit.

  • Property ElementWithChecksum.validChecksum to ElementWithCheckDigit.checkDigit.

  • Property DateElementWithChecksum.validChecksum to DateElementWithCheckDigit.checkDigit.

  • Property Td1MachineReadableZone.validChecksum to Td1MachineReadableZone.compositeCheckDigit.

  • Property Td2MachineReadableZone.validChecksum to Td2MachineReadableZone.compositeCheckDigit.

  • Property Td3MachineReadableZone.validChecksum to Td3MachineReadableZone.compositeCheckDigit.

  • Property NameElement.primaryElement to NameElement.primaryIdentifier.

  • Property NameElement.secondaryElement to NameElement.secondaryIdentifier.

  • Method signature DocumentDetector.detect().

  • Class DocumentDetector.Result to DocumentDetector.Document.

  • Property DocumentDetector.Result.corners to DocumentDetector.Document.position.

  • Class Corners to DetectionPosition.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureDetection.documentDetectorResult to DocumentAutoCaptureDetection.document.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureDetection.imageParameters to DocumentAutoCaptureDetection.document.imageParameters.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureResult.documentDetectorResult to DocumentAutoCaptureResult.document.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureResult.imageParameters to DocumentAutoCaptureResult.document.imageParameters.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParameters.documentDetectorResult to DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParameters.document.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParameters.imageParameters to DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParameters.document.imageParameters.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.Configuration.torchEnabled to DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.Configuration.isTorchEnabled.

  • Class MachineReadableZone and containing data classes. Mainly only package is changed of those classes.

  • Method signature ImagePerspectiveWarper.warp().

  • Method signature

  • Layout resource fragment_document_auto_capture.xml to dot_document_fragment_document_auto_capture.xml.

  • Callback DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.onCandidateSelectionStarted().

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureController.Configuration.imageParametersNormalizedRectangle. This property has no use anymore since the image parameters are calculated from the detection area.

7.5.8 - 2024-06-19

  • Minor UI issue with updating the background color of the instruction.

  • Stability issue in UI components.

7.5.7 - 2024-06-04

  • Technical release. No changes.

7.5.6 - 2024-06-04

  • Technical release. No changes.

7.5.5 - 2024-05-30

  • Technical release. No changes.

7.5.4 - 2024-05-14

  • Security guidelines section to the integration manual.

7.5.3 - 2024-04-26

  • Technical release. No changes.

7.5.2 - 2024-04-25

  • Permission android.permission.INTERNET from Android manifest.

7.5.1 - 2024-04-15

  • Section about optimization of application size to the integration manual.

  • Rare UI issue in detection layer in FILL scale type on some devices.

7.5.0 - 2024-04-03

  • Constructor of QualityAttributeThresholds.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.provideConfiguration().

  • Class DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.Configuration.

  • Class DocumentAutoCaptureController.Configuration.

  • Class MrzReader.Configuration.

  • Property QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standard (original QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standard property was renamed to QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standardBuilder).

  • Callback onStopped as an argument to method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.stopAsync().

  • Property QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standard to QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standardBuilder.

  • Deprecated QualityAttributeThresholds.Builder, use QualityAttributeThresholds constructor instead.

  • Deprecated QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standardBuilder, use QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.standard.

  • Deprecated DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration, use DocumentAutoCaptureController.Configuration class instead.

  • Deprecated DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration.Builder, use DocumentAutoCaptureController.Configuration class instead.

  • Deprecated DocumentAutoCaptureControllerFactory.create(DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration), use DocumentAutoCaptureControllerFactory.create(DocumentAutoCaptureController.Configuration) instead.

  • Deprecated DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration, use DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.Configuration instead.

  • Deprecated DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder, use DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.Configuration instead.

  • Deprecated DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.CONFIGURATION, override DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.provideConfiguration() method to provide configuration instead.

  • Deprecated MrzReaderConfiguration.Builder, use MrzReader.Configuration instead.

  • Deprecated MrzReaderConfiguration, use MrzReader.Configuration instead.

  • Deprecated MrzReaderFactory.create(MrzReaderConfiguration), use MrzReaderFactory.create(MrzReader.Configuration) instead.

  • Enum DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.PlaceholderType to PlaceholderType.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.onStopped(). Use DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.stopAsync() method argument onStopped instead.

7.4.1 - 2024-03-27

  • Target Android API level to 34.

  • API availability issue.

7.4.0 - 2024-03-18

  • Enum DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.PlaceholderType

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.placeholderType().

7.3.0 - 2024-02-23

  • Permission android.permission.INTERNET in Android manifest.

7.2.2 - 2024-02-07

  • Technical release. No changes.

7.2.1 - 2024-02-05

  • Property REQUIRE_SECURE_ENV with value 1 under the <application> in Android manifest.

7.2.0 - 2023-12-28

  • Camera preview and image analysis resolution selection strategy in UI components for FILL scale type.

7.1.0 - 2023-12-14

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureDetection.imageParameters.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureResult.imageParameters.

7.0.2 - 2023-12-05

  • Technical release. No changes.

7.0.1 - 2023-11-21

  • Technical release. No changes.

7.0.0 - 2023-11-02

  • Class DotSdk.

  • Class DotSdkConfiguration.

  • Interface DotLibrary.

  • License file is required. To obtain one, please contact

  • Class DotDocumentLibrary reworked.

  • Machine Readable Zone reading accuracy is improved.

6.5.2 - 2023-10-20

  • API availability issue.

6.5.1 - 2023-10-19

  • Stability issue.

  • MRZ parsing issue.

6.5.0 - 2023-10-04

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.mrzValidation().

  • Enum MrzValidation.

  • String resource dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_mrz_not_present.

  • Class MrzNotPresentValidator.

  • Class MrzRecognitionResult.

  • Property MrzReader.Result.rawLines.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParameters.mrzRecognitionResult.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParameters.machineReadableZone to DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParameters.mrzRecognitionResult.

  • Performance of document detection is significantly improved.

  • Accuracy of document detection is improved.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.mrzReadingEnabled().

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration.isMrzReadingEnabled. Is determined by the validators whether the MRZ should be read.

6.4.0 - 2023-09-20

  • Signature of DocumentAutoCaptureController.process() method.

6.3.0 - 2023-08-17

  • UI state after configuration change.

  • Preview and image resolution in UI components on some devices.

6.2.1 - 2023-07-27

  • Technical release. No changes.

6.2.0 - 2023-07-26

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.sessionToken().

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration.Builder.sessionToken().

6.1.0 - 2023-07-07

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.torchEnabled().

  • Duplicate classes from package.

6.0.0 - 2023-06-14

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.qualityAttributeThresholds().

  • Object QualityAttributeThresholdPresets.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureResult.content.

  • All methods in QualityAttributeThresholds.Builder() accept nullable arguments.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.startQualityAttributeThresholds(). Use DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.qualityAttributeThresholds() instead.

5.5.1 - 2023-06-06

  • UI state after components are finished.

5.5.0 - 2023-04-26

  • Technical release. No changes.

5.4.1 - 2023-03-28

  • Technical release. No changes.

5.4.0 - 2023-03-24

  • Technical release. No changes.

5.3.0 - 2023-03-20

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureController.ProcessingResult.phase.

  • Enum Phase.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.start() (re)starts the process any time during the lifecycle of the component.

  • Property Use property DocumentAutoCaptureController.ProcessingResult.phase instead.

  • Enum DocumentAutoCaptureController.ProcessingResult.Event.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureController.restart(). Create new instance of DocumentAutoCaptureController instead.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.restart(). Use DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.start() instead.

5.2.0 - 2023-03-07

  • Technical release. No changes.

5.1.0 - 2023-02-06

  • Minimum Kotlin Gradle plugin version to 1.6.0.

5.0.0 - 2023-01-30

  • New SDK versioning: All libraries (DOT Document, DOT Face, DOT Face Lite and DOT NFC) are released simultaneously with a single version name. Libraries with the same version name work correctly at build time and at run time.

  • DocumentAutoCaptureResult.bgraRawImage now contains full camera image, instead of cropped image.

  • DocumentAutoCaptureFragment: Method onDetected() renamed to onProcessed().

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureController.process().

  • Class BrightnessHighValidator renamed to BrightnessTooHighValidator.

  • Class BrightnessLowValidator renamed to BrightnessTooLowValidator.

  • Class HotspotsScoreHighValidator renamed to HotspotsScoreTooHighValidator.

  • Class SharpnessLowValidator renamed to SharpnessTooLowValidator.

  • Class SizeSmallValidator renamed to SizeTooSmallValidator.

  • String resource dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_not_present to dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_not_detected.

  • String resource dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_centering to dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_out_of_bounds.

  • String resource dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_too_far to dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_size_too_small.

  • String resource dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_hotspots_present to dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_hotspots_score_too_high.

  • Minimum Kotlin Gradle plugin version to 1.7.0.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.stopAsync().

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.onStopped().

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureDetection.bgraRawImage.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureDetection.travelDocumentType.

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureDetection.machineReadableZone.

  • Class DocumentAutoCaptureController.ProcessingResult.

  • String resource dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_does_not_fit_placeholder.

  • DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration.Builder: Method onDetectionListener().

  • DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration.Builder: Method onCandidateSelectionStartListener().

  • DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration.Builder: Method onCaptureListener().

  • Interface DocumentAutoCaptureController.OnDetectionListener.

  • Interface DocumentAutoCaptureController.OnCandidateSelectionStartListener.

  • Interface DocumentAutoCaptureController.OnCaptureListener.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureController.requestCapture().

  • Deprecated API.

3.7.2 - 2022-12-16

  • Stability issue in image conversion.

3.7.0 - 2022-10-28

  • Property DocumentAutoCaptureDetectionValidator.dependencyIdentifiers.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.startQualityAttributeThresholds().

  • Class QualityAttributeThresholds.

  • DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration.Builder() throws an IllegalArgumentException.

  • Deprecated method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.confidenceLowThreshold().

  • Deprecated method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.sizeSmallThreshold.

  • Deprecated method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.sharpnessLowThreshold().

  • Deprecated method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.brightnessLowThreshold().

  • Deprecated method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.brightnessHighThreshold().

  • Deprecated method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.hotspotsScoreHighThreshold().

3.6.2 - 2022-10-18

  • Target Android API level to 33.

  • Document detection accuracy.

  • Compatibility with latest DOT libraries.

3.6.1 - 2022-08-18

  • Stability issue in Document Auto Capture UI component.

3.6.0 - 2022-08-18

  • Method MachineReadableZone.getLines().

  • Minor UI issues in Document Auto Capture UI component.

3.5.0 - 2022-07-06

  • Method DotDocumentLibrary.getVersionName().

  • Update CameraX to 1.1.0.

  • Minimum Kotlin Gradle plugin version to 1.6.0.

  • Machine Readable Zone Reader: Parsing long document number and optional data together.

  • Machine Readable Zone Reader: Parsing element value with more than one filler in the middle.

3.4.1 - 2022-05-31

  • Stability issue in BgraRawImageFactory.

3.4.0 - 2022-05-18

  • Target Android API level to 32.

  • Design of Document Auto Capture UI component.

  • Rename all color resources.

3.3.3 - 2022-03-09

  • Camera preview resolution selection.

3.3.2 - 2022-02-17

  • Bind the camera to the fragment lifecycle instead of the activity in UI components.

3.3.1 - 2022-02-14

  • Preview overlay in the Document Auto Capture UI component.

3.3.0 - 2022-01-11

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.validationMode().

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.sizeSmallThreshold().

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder.detectionLayerVisible().

  • Enum ValidationMode.

  • Class DocumentOutOfBoundsValidator.

  • Color resource dot_document_auto_capture_detection_layer.

  • Color resource dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_candidate_selection_background.

  • Color resource dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_text.

  • Color resource dot_document_auto_capture_overlay.

  • Document detection accuracy improved.

  • Validator threshold SharpnessLowValidator.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD to 0.65.

  • Validator threshold DocumentNotDetectedValidator.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_CONFIDENCE to 0.9.

  • Validator threshold DocumentDoesNotFitPlaceholderValidator.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_PENALTY to 0.035.

  • Class DocumentSmallValidator to SizeSmallValidator.

  • Improved UX of instruction changing in Document Auto Capture.

  • DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.Builder: Method confidenceThreshold() renamed to confidenceLowThreshold().

  • Redesign of the UI of Document Auto Capture component.

  • Rename color resource dot_document_auto_capture_placeholder_capturing to dot_document_auto_capture_placeholder_candidate_selection.

  • Class DocumentLargeValidator.

  • String resource dot_document_auto_capture_instruction_document_too_close.

  • Dimension resource dot_document_auto_capture_placeholder_dash_path_effect_interval.

  • Dimension resource dot_document_auto_capture_placeholder_stroke_width.

3.2.0 - 2021-11-29

  • Target Android API level to 31.

  • Improve DocumentDoesNotFitPlaceholderValidator.

  • Validator threshold DocumentDoesNotFitPlaceholderValidator.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_DETECTED_TO_PLACEHOLDER_CORNERS_DISTANCE to DocumentDoesNotFitPlaceholderValidator.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_PENALTY.

3.1.0 - 2021-11-05

  • Callback DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.onDetected().

  • Callback DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.onCandidateSelectionStarted().

  • Validator threshold DocumentNotDetectedValidator.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_CONFIDENCE to 0.6.

3.0.2 - 2021-10-08

  • Restarting the Document Auto Capture UI component.

3.0.1 - 2021-10-06

  • Image conversion in BgraRawImageFactory.create(Bitmap).

3.0.0 - 2021-09-27

  • Machine Readable Zone Reader component (MrzReader, MrzReaderConfiguration and MrzReaderFactory).

  • Image Perspective Warper component (ImagePerspectiveWarper and ImagePerspectiveWarperFactory).

  • Class DocumentDetectorFactory.

  • Class ImageParametersAnalyzerFactory.

  • Class DocumentAutoCaptureControllerConfiguration.

  • Class DocumentAutoCaptureControllerFactory.

  • Class DocumentAutoCaptureDetection.

  • Class Corners.

  • Class BgraRawImageFactory.

  • Class BitmapFactory.

  • groupId to

  • Minimum Android API level to 21.

  • Class DocumentAutoCaptureArguments to DocumentAutoCaptureConfiguration.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureController.detect() to DocumentAutoCaptureController.process().

  • Class DocumentAutoCaptureController.OnStayStillPhaseEnterListener to DocumentAutoCaptureController.OnCandidateSelectionStartListener().

  • Class DetectionResult to DocumentDetector.Result.

  • Class Point to PointDouble.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureController.onPhotoCaptured() to DocumentAutoCaptureController.onCaptured().

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureController.postCaptureRequest() to DocumentAutoCaptureController.requestCapture().

  • Class DetectedDocument to DocumentAutoCaptureResult.

  • Performance of document detection is significantly improved.

  • Interface DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParametersEvaluator.

  • Class DefaultDocumentAutoCaptureFrameParametersEvaluator.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.onCameraAccessFailed().

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.onCameraInitFailed().

  • Class PlaceholderEvaluatorFactory.

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureController.onAutoCaptureReady().

  • Enum DocumentAutoCaptureHint.

2.3.1 - 2021-06-17

  • Requesting camera permission if it is already denied.

2.3.0 - 2021-05-14

  • DocumentAutoCaptureArguments.Builder: Method confidenceThreshold().

  • DocumentAutoCaptureArguments.Builder: Method sharpnessLowThreshold().

  • DocumentAutoCaptureArguments.Builder: Method brightnessLowThreshold().

  • DocumentAutoCaptureArguments.Builder: Method brightnessHighThreshold().

  • DocumentAutoCaptureArguments.Builder: Method hotspotsScoreHighThreshold().

  • BrightnessHighValidator.Builder: Method threshold().

  • BrightnessLowValidator.Builder: Method threshold().

  • DocumentDoesNotFitPlaceholderValidator.Builder: Method detectedToPlaceholderCornersDistanceThreshold().

  • DocumentLargeValidator.Builder: Method documentWidthToImageWidthRatioThreshold().

  • DocumentNotDetectedValidator.Builder: Method confidenceThreshold().

  • DocumentSmallValidator.Builder: Method documentWidthToImageWidthRatioThreshold().

  • HotspotsScoreHighValidator.Builder: Method threshold().

  • SharpnessLowValidator.Builder: Method threshold().

  • All DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParametersValidator implementations: Instance creation via a Builder.

  • PlaceholderEvaluatorFactory: Instance creation via a Builder.

2.2.1 - 2021-03-29

  • Support for x86 and x86_64 architectures.

2.2.0 - 2021-03-17

  • Update documentation.

  • Configuration change issue in Document Auto Capture UI component.

2.1.0 - 2021-01-25

  • Callback DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.onAutoCaptureReady().

  • Method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.start().

  • DocumentAutoCaptureFragment: Auto Capture process is not started implicitly. Client needs to call method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.start() to start the process.

  • DocumentAutoCaptureFragment: As soon as the photo is captured all views are reset.

2.0.1 - 2021-01-21

  • Issue in method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.restart().

2.0.0 - 2021-01-11

  • Possibility to restart the Document Auto Capture Controller component (method DocumentAutoCaptureController.restart()).

  • Possibility to restart the Document Auto Capture UI component (method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.restart()).

  • New non-UI component: Image Parameters Analyzer.

  • DefaultDocumentAutoCaptureController.Builder: Method detectionFrame().

  • DefaultDocumentAutoCaptureController.Builder: Method imageParametersFrame().

  • HotspotsScoreHighValidator for validating hotspots presence.

  • Update target Android SDK version to 30 (Android 11).

  • DetectionResult DTO does not contain sharpness and brightness anymore (these are present in ImageParameters DTO).

  • DefaultDocumentAutoCaptureController.Builder: Method detectionResultEvaluator() renamed to documentAutoCaptureFrameParametersEvaluator().

  • DetectionResultEvaluator renamed to DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParametersEvaluator.

  • DefaultDetectionResultEvaluator renamed to DefaultDocumentAutoCaptureFrameParametersEvaluator.

  • DetectionAttributeValidator renamed to DocumentAutoCaptureFrameParametersValidator.

  • DetectionHint renamed to DocumentAutoCaptureHint.

  • Update documentation.

  • DocumentDetector: Method DetectionResult detectDocument(Nv21Image nv21Image).

  • DefaultDocumentAutoCaptureController.Builder: Method croppingFrame().

1.1.0 - 2020-11-25

  • Possibility to force capture in Document Auto Capture Controller component (method DocumentAutoCaptureController.requestCapture()).

  • Possibility to force capture in Document Auto Capture UI component (method DocumentAutoCaptureFragment.postCaptureRequest()).

  • Update documentation.

  • Proguard rules.

1.0.0 - 2020-07-31

  • Preview image is cropped before document detection (placeholder area and margin).

  • Document Auto Capture design.

  • Update documentation.

  • Fix camera preview freezing.

  • Placeholder position calculation for cameraPreviewScaleType: ScaleType.CENTER_CROP.

0.3.0 - 2020-07-13

  • Minor changes.

0.2.0 - 2020-07-11

  • Update documentation.