DOT Android Face 8.0.0

This guide describes how to migrate DOT Android Face version 7.x to version 8.0. Only the most important changes are highlighted in this guide. For more details, see the Android Samples.

Migration Steps

Compatibility with DIS

When utilizing DIS for server-side evaluation, ensure compatibility between your DIS version and the corresponding SDK version. Refer to the DIS vs SDKs compatibility table for detailed compatibility information.

Face Detector component (FaceDetector)

  • FaceDetector.detect() method now returns list of FaceDetector.Face data classes instead of list of DetectedFace interfaces.
  • Use query: FaceDetectionQuery argument of the FaceDetector.detect() method in order to specify desired detection data.


val faceDetector = FaceDetectorFactory.create()
val faceImage = FaceImageFactory.create(bgrRawImage, minFaceSizeRatio, maxFaceSizeRatio)
val detectedFaces = faceDetector.detect(
  faceImage = faceImage,
  maximumFaces = 1,
val detectedFace = detectedFaces.first()
val confidence = detectedFace.getConfidence()
val template = detectedFace.createTemplate()
val fullFrontalImage = detectedFace.createFullFrontalImage()
val faceAspects = detectedFace.evaluateFaceAspects()
val faceQualityQuery = FaceQualityQuery(
  imageQuality = FaceImageQualityQuery(
    isSharpness = true,
val faceQuality = detectedFace.evaluateFaceQuality(faceQualityQuery)
val passiveLiveness = detectedFace.evaluatePassiveLiveness()


val faceDetector = FaceDetectorFactory.create()
val faces = faceDetector.detect(
  faceImage = FaceImage(bgrRawImage, faceSizeRatioInterval),
  query = FaceDetectionQuery(
    faceQuality = FaceQualityQuery(
      imageQuality = FaceImageQualityQuery(
        evaluateSharpness = true,
    evaluatePassiveLiveness = true,
    createFullFrontalImage = true,
    createTemplate = true,
  limit = 1,
val face = faces.first()
val confidence = face.confidence
val faceAspects = face.faceAspects
val faceQuality = face.faceQuality
val passiveLivenessFaceAttribute = face.passiveLivenessFaceAttribute
val fullFrontalBgrRawImage = face.fullFrontalBgrRawImage
val template = face.template

All UI components use a query in their configurations

  • Use query: FaceDetectionQuery argument of the *Fragment.Configuration data class in order to specify desired detection data of the result.


// Example of a subclass of FaceAutoCaptureFragment
override fun onCaptured(result: FaceAutoCaptureResult) {
  val detectedFace = result.detectedFace!!
  val confidence = detectedFace.getConfidence()
  val template = detectedFace.createTemplate()
  val fullFrontalImage = detectedFace.createFullFrontalImage()
  val faceAspects = detectedFace.evaluateFaceAspects()
  val faceQualityQuery = FaceQualityQuery(
    imageQuality = FaceImageQualityQuery(
      isSharpness = true,
  val faceQuality = detectedFace.evaluateFaceQuality(faceQualityQuery)
  val passiveLiveness = detectedFace.evaluatePassiveLiveness()


// Example of a subclass of FaceAutoCaptureFragment
override fun provideConfiguration() = FaceAutoCaptureFragment.Configuration(
    query = FaceDetectionQuery(
      faceQuality = FaceQualityQuery(
        imageQuality = FaceImageQualityQuery(
          evaluateSharpness = true,
      evaluatePassiveLiveness = true,
      createFullFrontalImage = true,
      createTemplate = true,

override fun onCaptured(result: FaceAutoCaptureResult) {
  val face = result.face
  val confidence = face.confidence
  val faceAspects = face.faceAspects
  val faceQuality = face.faceQuality
  val passiveLivenessFaceAttribute = face.passiveLivenessFaceAttribute
  val fullFrontalBgrRawImage = face.fullFrontalBgrRawImage
  val template = face.template

Eye Gaze Liveness UI component (EyeGazeLivenessFragment)

  • Replace usage of EyeGazeLivenessFragment. More details are in the integration manual and the API reference. The following points are the minimum changes required in order to migrate to version 8.0.0.
  • The EyeGazeLivenessResult.content property is a new addition that serves the same purpose as all other properties named *Result.content found in other UI components. This property is intended for server-side evaluation. Support for the EyeGazeLivenessResult.content property was introduced in DIS version 1.39.0.
  • Add callback EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onProcessed().
  • Add callback EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onCriticalFacePresenceLost(). Before the component started again after the face presence was lost. Since version 8.0.0 there is an option to handle this kind of event via this callback. E.g. you can start over (as prior to version 8.0.0) by calling eyeGazeLivenessFragment.start() method.
  • Replace EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onFinished() with EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onFinished(). The new callback returns a new data class EyeGazeLivenessResult. Score of the liveness check is present in the EyeGazeLivenessResult only if this feature is enabled by the license. The score is null otherwise.
  • Replace EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onNoMoreSegments() with EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onAllCornersUsed().
  • Remove callback EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onStateChanged(). Since version 8.0.0 there is a new callback EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onProcessed() for handling the current state of the process.
  • Remove callback EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onEyesNotDetected(). Callback EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onCriticalFacePresenceLost() is used for this event (eyes are not clearly visible in the first corner).
  • Remove callback EyeGazeLivenessFragment.onFaceTrackingFailed(). This callback was not used in real use cases.


override fun onStateChanged(eyeGazeLivenessState: EyeGazeLivenessState) {
  // Handle callback

override fun onFinished(score: Float, segmentImages: List<SegmentImage>) {
  // Handle callback

override fun onNoMoreSegments() {
  // Handle callback

override fun onEyesNotDetected() {
  // Handle callback

override fun onFaceTrackingFailed() {
  // Handle callback


override fun onProcessed(detection: FaceAutoCaptureDetection) {
  // Handle callback

override fun onFinished(result: EyeGazeLivenessResult) {
  // Handle callback

override fun onAllCornersUsed() {
  // Handle callback

override fun onCriticalFacePresenceLost() {
  // Handle callback

Passing Eye Gaze Liveness configuration to EyeGazeLivenessFragment

  • Replace data class EyeGazeLivenessConfiguration with EyeGazeLivenessFragment.Configuration.
  • Replace interface SegmentsGenerator and implementation RandomSegmentsGenerator with CornersGenerator and factory CornersGeneratorFactory.
  • Replace property Segment.durationMillis with EyeGazeLivenessFragment.Configuration.transitionDurationMillis.
  • Instead of passing the configuration as a fragment argument, override EyeGazeLivenessFragment.provideConfiguration() method.


val segmentCount = 8
val segmentDurationMillis = 800
val segments = RandomSegmentsGenerator().generate(segmentCount, segmentDurationMillis)
val configuration = EyeGazeLivenessConfiguration.Builder(segments)
val bundle = bundleOf(EyeGazeLivenessFragment.CONFIGURATION to configuration)
findNavController().navigate(, bundle)


private val cornersGenerator = CornersGeneratorFactory.create()
override fun provideConfiguration() = Configuration(
  corners = cornersGenerator.generate(count = 8),
  faceSizeRatioInterval = IntervalDouble(min = 0.1, max = 1.3),
  transitionDurationMillis = 800,
  transitionType = Configuration.TransitionType.MOVE,