DOT Android Document 8.0.0
This guide describes how to migrate DOT Android Document version 7.x to version 8.0. Only the most important changes are highlighted in this guide. For more details, see the Android Samples.
Migration Steps
Compatibility with DIS
When utilizing DIS for server-side evaluation, ensure compatibility between your DIS version and the corresponding SDK version. Refer to the DIS vs SDKs compatibility table for detailed compatibility information.
Machine Readable Zone - check digit validity
- Replace
for all elements of typeElementWithCheckDigit
// Example of getting document number check digit validity in TD1 type
val checkDigitValidity = machineReadableZone!!.td1!!.documentNumber.hasValidChecksum()
// Example of getting document number check digit validity in TD1 type
val checkDigitValidity = machineReadableZone!!.td1!!.documentNumber.checkDigit.isValid