DIS quickstart with Postman

This guide will help you set up an environment for testing Digital Identity Service.

  1. Install Postman from link postman.com and run the application

  2. Click on the import button to add new collection

Postman add new collection

  1. Download the latest postman collection JSON

  2. Import the downloaded file

Postman import collection

Postman import collection

  1. Click on the Environments tab and then on the + icon to create a new environment

Postman import collection 6. Create new environment called DIS public test with variable identity-service set to https://dot.innovatrics.com/identity and bearerToken variable with the Bearer token you received from the Innovatrics' sales representative. Then save the new environment (Ctr+S)

Postman import collection

  1. Go back to Collections tab and select Digital Identity Service in the left tab to see the requests. Then select DIS public test in the environment drop down.

Postman import collection

  1. Test the DIS by calling the Info endpoint using the Send button.

Postman import collection

  1. If your bearer token is valid you will be able to create a customer entity and fill it with data. If your token is not valid, you will receive a 401 error. Please note that tokens generated in the customer portal are not applicable for this test environment.

Postman import collection